Skandia SSAS clients can transfer their SSAS to Pension Practitioner.Com


As SSAS administration service offered by Skandia is coming to an end, existing SSAS Clients will be able to transfer their SSAS to
Pension Practitioner.Com announce that as part of their “pensions revolution” that Skandia SSAS clients can transfer their SSAS to Pension Practitioner .Com. This will be of interest to Skandia’s SSAS clients who are considering their options before deciding if they wish to proceed with switching their transfer administration service to Rowanmoor. Pension Practitioner .Com will make no charge for the takeover.

Pension Practitioner.Com are a team of pension experts specialising structuring and administering small schemes for business and entrepreneurs (SSAS).
Pension Practitioner .Com do not promote any investment service providers or their products. The Pension experts offer a unique, simplified approach to SSAS pensions.
Skandia’s SSAS clients can find out more by visiting or by calling freephone 0800 634 4862.

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Kronik Media, the London based providers of award winning web development service for businesses is currently offering a special promotion for small businesses in the Greater London area.

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