Sleeping Pill Addictions a Growing Concern in the Medical Community


Medication addiction is a hot topic and a legitimate concern for many people. Although sleeping pills may not be the first thing that comes to mind when addiction is mentioned, a sleeping pill addiction is a common situation that many people find themselves trapped in. The body is unable to function well without adequate sleep, and the increasing amount of stimulants such as caffeine and backlit screens leave more and more people battling insomnia and then relying on sleep enhancers that can worsen symptoms and interrupt daytime cognitive function. In addition, many sleeping pills have caused strange behavior including sleep walking, eating and driving.

sleeping pill addiction is much more than a dependence on sleeping pills to actually fall asleep at night. Just like any other addiction, the amount of the drug absorbed and the growing need the body has for it can have significant effects on the general operation of the body and mind. Side effects can include nausea, red and glazed eyes, anxiety, worsening insomnia, memory impairment and even hallucinations.

Three different types of sleeping pills exist: those that induce sleep, those that prolong sleep, and sedating antidepressants. The first class is most commonly advertised, as many people can stay asleep but have difficulty falling sleep at an appropriate time. Studies show that sleep medications only induce sleep on average of 30 minutes faster than without. However, they also cause the memory of sleep struggles to be diminished so most do not realize they are not sleeping longer periods. Some drugs, such as Lunesta or Ambien CR, can fulfill the first two classes as they work to release into the body over an extended period of time. The third class treats insomnia in addition to depression, as these drugs are not approved to treat insomnia only.

Point of Return, a non-profit organization, is concerned about the prevalence of sleeping pill addiction in society. They focus on helping individuals taper off of medications and find natural ways to combat insomnia. In addition, they can provide natural sleep approaches and remedies, while safely tapering sleeping pills. For more information on reducing the usage of sleeping pills, visit

Point of Return, Inc.
2630 Townsgate Rd.
Westlake Village, CA 91361

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By david5390