Want to Slow the Clock on Facial Aging? Cover Your Face While Tanning


Houston, TX – The subject of wrinkles and anti-aging is a topic that indoor tanning professionals have become intimately familiar with over the years. Successful salon owners have made there living providing clients with moderately/progressive tanning programs and moisturizing skin care regimens that deliver effective bronzing results. These highly trained professionals take the role and responsibility of being a skin care specialist seriously. In fact, no other personal care industry has matured as quickly or placed as much emphasis on education, equipment, UV technology, skin care preservation and sunless UV free alternatives as indoor tanning.

Over a million people tan indoors every single day and in spite of the huge international following, indoor tanning has its very vocal critics. Anti UV campaigns have caused people that love to tan to question their pursuit of the golden goodness. With the growing amount of unanswered UV questions it’s really not that surprising that tanners may reach a place in there “tanning lifecycle” where they make some definitive personal choices regarding UV and skin care. Open any health and beauty magazine and you are likely to encounter strong and opposing opinions on topics ranging from Vitamin D to UV’s role in premature aging. It’s confusing and in spite of the many opinions… the universal fact is that nobody wants to age faster or look older.
If you’ve been a regular tanner you are probably able to draw your own conclusions on the personal effects of tanning if any, but here are what the “experts” are saying…continued UV exposure to delicate facial skin will break down the collagen and elastin in the skin. Over time, the break down causes the skin to lose its elasticity and firmness which promotes premature wrinkling. The loss of elastin in the skin combined with natural aging plays a significant role in how we will look after years of intense UV rays on our face.
According to skin care experts our skin starts to lose its thickness starting at the age of 20. In other words the older we get, the skin loses its ability to protect itself against environment exposures such as smoking, wind, chemicals, UV exposure and pollution. The level of toxins our skin is exposed to supersedes its ability to protect itself. Add internal factors such as stress, poor diet or sleep deprivation and it compounds the skin’s aging process.
Most skin damage is done in the early years and people do not see the results of this until they are in their forties and fifties. The reason for this is due to the skin’s chronological aging, which we can do nothing about. Externally we can be proactive and moisturize, reduce our stress levels, drink more water and monitor UV exposure to our face.
Want to slow the clock on facial aging? Cover your face while tanning.
GOTCHA Covered is dedicated to educating salon owners and tanners about the importance of moderate tanning and protecting the face while tanning. “The skin on our face is much thinner and more delicate than the rest of your body” says Chris Schuern co-owner of GOTCHA Covered NAILSaver. Why take the chance of damaging your facial skin when there are some wonderful sunless tanning products that will give your face a beautiful sunless glow. People spend billions of dollars a year on skin care and anti aging products. Why not protect your face? There is no age barrier for our FACESaver! We love tanning, and responsible tanning means educating tanners of all ages. We want everyone to enjoy the beauty of tanning throughout the years while keeping their faces beautiful and youthful.

Please don’t be fooled by inferior competitive products; look for our SPF50+ and International UV Testing Lab seal. Our FACESaver and HAIRSaver is manufactured using only the best UV fabric. Our material has been tested and certified by the International UV Testing Laboratory and is your guarantee that you will be providing the best UV block to your salon customers.

Check out all the great GOTCHA Covered products and visit www.nailsavers.com or call 801.755.6339

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Trendsetter Consulting Group is a boutique resource service providing socially relevant public relations, social networking, marketing, branding and business consulting solutions under one roof. Our personalized a la carte approach allows business owners the opportunity to choose from a wide array of cost effective solutions that affordably address the full spectrum of business needs. We are a true hands on agency with over 50 years of "in the trenches" experience. Our pragmatic approach to problem solving and our broad pallet of programs allow us to navigate obstacles and create momentum. Whether you need help in telling your story or creating one, we offer sound ideas, executable recommendations and proven programs that add value to your business.

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By Cathytcg