Small Businesses Save Time and Win Paper War With Online


There is a much better way. With Xero you create your invoices online and if it’s a repeat invoice it can be automatically prepared.

London,UK. August 02, 2008 — Plumber Lee Edwards was typical of many small business people ( after a long day at work he’d sit down at the computer, type up his invoices, stuff envelopes and then start ticking off items on his bank statements. Things didn’t improve until he made the switch to online accounting software.

Xero online software ( co-Founder and UK MD Hamish Edwards, says these old fashioned habits are holding many small businesses back.

I sympathise with small businesses when they talk about the amount of time they need to spend doing paperwork, but many are not doing all they can to help themselves streamline their business administration,” he says.

Take invoicing for example. This can be a nightmare for many small businesses, with paper invoices piling up waiting for approval, then being printed out and put in the post.

There is a much better way. With Xero you create your invoices online and if it’s a repeat invoice it can be automatically prepared. You can approve them online and even email them direct to the customer. You can do all of this anywhere, at any anytime as it all happens online you can even do it from your iPhone!

You can do all this from within Xero. There is no need to be wasting time importing documents into all sorts of different applications. The world has moved on.

As for Lee, he agrees. Now I just quickly set up my invoices on Xero, and email them straight out to customers. I import my bank statements online, and then Xero helps me match the transactions up really quickly, as it’s clever enough to think for me! Now I am up to date with my accounts in just a few minutes each day.”

Xero provides small businesses and their advisers with one, up to date, easy to use, instantly accessible set of accounts and business information.

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By arun