Soar With Cosatto Through Cyberspace – It’s Our Time


It started with a spark in the analogue abyss – now the Cosatto reverberations are dynamic digital, rainbow vapour trails colour the air. Look closely and your components will be flourescent. Cosatto: on a computer screen near you.
The maverick colouristas of the nursery scene are painting cyberspace polkastripe.
The server surfing netistas are whipping up a server storm. With an ever-increasing flock of followers and lovely likers. The Cosatto mania is off the hook. Ride our web wave. Just a click of a mouse and you get access to Cosatto community of like-minded mums and dads eager to share the joy of car seats, cots and high chairs, compare stories, sit around the Cosatto campfire, offer advice, share experiences, reassure, give tips, spread social wings, offer support, have fun – it’s a laff online, post pics of their little stroller superstars and little high chair heroes. Comps goody bags, trend trawlers they’re all there. Discuss cake, you name it. Or just a cheeky check in to say hello. We’ll get our best online china out.
A wondrous world awaits.
If all the Cosatto family jump at once the planet shifts on its axis. Cyberspace shifts on its axis. Join the pushchair party. We’re itching to interact. Tell us your story. We’re loving your feedback that we are constantly giving to the creative Cosatto builders in the product lab. It’s a 2 way process. Cosatto build better when you build us. With you as our foundation, when you’re our bricks and mortar.
Join us.
Come home to Cosatto. Our product development team are based in Cosatto HQ and planet wide. You are us. Countdown, 10,9.8.7…check teapot, 6,5,4…all join hands…321 BLAST OFF!
Upload, download, offload…it’s party time.

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By motionlab