Soaring Consumer Debt Sparks Demand for Competent Debt Consolidation Services


Despite Good Government Intentions and High Placement on Official Agendas, Private Sector Debt Relief is Primary Cure for Runaway Consumer Debt

Press Release Source: on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 12:38 pm EDT

San Jose, California – (Marketwire – 05/07/11) – Encouraging signs of recovery have recently brightened the bleak outlook for our nation’s economy.

Recent news reports have prominently featured rising employment rates and increased consumer spending. Nonetheless, a major storm is brewing beneath the surface of relatively calm seas of contemporary American society. A rising tide of consumer debt threatens the budding US economic recovery.

Despite contradictory data from a diversity of sources, overall consumer debt and corresponding delinquencies have risen sharply of late. No matter what perspective one takes, widespread financial hardship is the undeniable common factual theme underlying all figures. More Americans than ever desperately need the services of competent debt relief experts.

Bill Consolidation Direct knows how destructive being overburdened by debt can be. The firm routinely fields urgent assistance requests from consumers with tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt. Budget overextension destroys personal finances and poses serious threats to one’s peace of mind.

Lately, the US government has made admirable strides toward assisting Americans seeking to eliminate excessive consumer debt. None of the government-sponsored programs are direct cures for debt, however. Rather, newly-enacted legislation has mainly served to impose stricter regulations on private debt relief operations. This is the primary aim of all the new debt relief laws.

Professional debt relief firms negotiate directly with creditors on their clients’ behalf. In many cases, up to half of a consumer’s debt may be eliminated. Caution is highly advised, however. Many so-called debt relief companies are merely scams that exploit consumers with unrealistic claims and unfulfilled promises.

A key provision of recent consumer protection laws is a prohibition against debt relief companies collecting fees for unsuccessful settlement attempts. Private debt relief clients may now be assessed fees for only successful debt reduction efforts. It remains consumers’ responsibility to thoroughly research any debt relief organization before signing a contract, however.

Bill Consolidation Direct offers comprehensive debt evaluations without cost or obligation. Their staff of trained, dedicated professionals analyzes your particular situation completely. Customized solutions are then tailored to best suit your family’s individual needs and budget. Don’t delay another moment. Act now to restore harmony and balance in your life. Visit today to begin your journey to a brighter financial future today.

Bill Consolidation Direct
Local : 408-843-5316
Toll-Free : 888-296-1429
Address : 2880 Zanker Rd # 203, San Jose, CA

About the author

By albertmetz87