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Social Media Gains Momentum – Writers Gain Visitors And Subscribers With Help From ThoughtOffice Creative Writing Software

Keeping the social media spark alive after hours takes energy, talent… and a creative writing boost from programs like ThoughtOffice Expert Writer, the Word Association Engine. Initially developed to create comedy lines, the program has grown legs and is now used by over 373,000 users to craft blogs ranging from the silly to the sublime.

Portland, OR, October 20, 2008 — The rapid expansion of the blogosphere has resulted in a mass of tangled thoughts and ineffective prose as writers struggle to find their voice on the web. Tools like eXpertWriter from ThoughtOffice Corporation have the power to transform ordinary online dialog into substantial content in a matter of minutes.

“Though originally developed for comedy writers, ThoughtOffice eXpertWriter ( ) has always been a Swiss Army Knife for writers, transforming their raw thoughts into dynamic passages with just a few clicks,” says Mark Alan Effinger, company CEO. “Add the expertise of over 200 genuine geniuses to the mix, in the form of our eXpertTopic Modules, and you can relax and know that your bases are covered when it comes to exploring ideas and crafting the perfect prose to fill your blog posts.”

ThoughtOffice is creativity software for Windows and Mac OS X that starts a user with systematic questions, to drill down on a subject; or with a word or phrase, to explore the “six-degrees-of-separation” from your starting thought to any associated word or phrase. The software begins at $97 for the base application with one module included ( ), with additional modules ranging from $29 to $79. The company has also created discounted bundles of the Word Association Engine with specific modules to address the needs of Advertisers, Marketers, Writers, Consultants, Online Media Experts, Private Investigators, and many other areas of expertise.

“We’re not saying that ThoughtOffice will make your blog an instant winner,” comments David Lockman, Product Specialist for the company, “but we can safely say that using ThoughtOffice to develop stronger headlines, more elegant body copy and more popular keywords will definitely improve the quality and overall results that a blog writer will receive.”

About ThoughtOffice
ThoughtOffice Corporation is a Portland, Oregon area firm focused on innovation and creativity solutions for 21st Century business. The company was founded by a former Inc. 500 company executive and twelve-time serial entrepreneur. Past development projects include IdeaFisher, QuickyMart eCommerce software, RichContent Permanent Media Placement, and ThoughtOffice, the next generation brainstorming software. The management team and advisors are focused on helping companies innovate faster, better and with real purpose. Call 360-450-6888, e-mail or visit for more information or to connect with management, sales & support staff.
Press Release submission By PressReleasePoint

Press Contact:
Mark Alan Effinger
ThoughtOffice Corporation
5640 SE Riverside Way
Vancouver, WA 98661

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