South Nottingham College Launches ‘Channeling Positivity’ Campaign


South Nottingham College announces the ‘Channeling Positivity’ campaign, an attempt by a female teacher and student duo to swim the English Channel as a relay.

Nottingham, UK, September 03, 2010 — A teacher and student duo from South Nottingham College is aiming to become the first female relay team from Nottingham to successfully swim the English Channel. The campaign entitled ‘Channeling Positivity’ was officially launched today with the College as main sponsor.

South Nottingham College Head of School for 14-19 provision, Justine Drury and part-time crafts student Kate Vines are both amateur swimmers and wanted to take on a personal challenge to show what ordinary people could achieve. The swim is scheduled to take place on 27 July 2011, a year to the day until the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics.

Justine said: “We both wanted to undertake a personal challenge and were inspired by the Olympics. We wanted to show that two fairly average women could achieve something pretty spectacular, without fundamentally having to change our lives – we still work, have busy home lives and all the training is fitted in around this.”

The ‘Chaneling Positivity’ campaign aims to raise awareness with College students as to how they can contribute to community life and the fulfilment that can be gained from broadening horizons outside of the classroom. It will seek to introduce outside influences to college life, to enable students to gain valuable life experiences alongside their academic learning, for a more rounded education.

The duo aim to raise money for charity through the swim, with College students voting for the charity they wish to support during enrolment and the first week of term. There will be opportunities for the students to fundraise themselves and be involved with Justine and Kate’s training, which will be documented through a Channel Swimming blog It is hoped that some will feel inspired to get involved with the charity and even take up their own personal challenges, with support from the college.

SNC Marketing Manager Chris Stephenson said: “When Kate and Justine came to us with their idea, it was an easy decision to decide to sponsor them. The College has long had an ethos of being about more than just a place of study – we want our students to be exposed to all kinds of life experiences, not just spend time in a classroom looking at the theory.”

He continued: “This is the first time we have translated this ethos into one big idea with which the whole college community can be involved. We’re really keen to kick start the campaign, and are really excited to see what the students think and learn more about how they choose to get involved.”

About Us:
South Nottingham College offers a comprehensive range of further and higher education courses and training opportunities for business and industry. Its excellent reputation for student support and achievement coupled with superb facilities and resources provides students with a first class learning environment.

The College offers a range of full and part time study opportunities in a diversity of subject areas. South Nottingham College has maintained its position as one of the region’s top FE Colleges following an impressive OFSTED inspection in November 2008. All curriculum areas were graded as good (Grade 2) with Sport and Visual Arts both commended as having outstanding features.
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By arun