Spend 60% to 80% LESS for Communication and Related Services


IP UtiliNET has published three important GPON documents. GPON Basics; GPON Primer; GPON Truths. The GPON basics document presents the non technologist with a new character called Aduro and a means to understand the differences between traditional network cabling and next generation all fiber campus systems. The GPON Primer document is designed to follow the GPON basics document and provides the non-initiated and to a certain extent, the experienced cabling network practitioner with a clear understanding of GPON technologies. The GPON Truths document is a rebuttal to a paper published by Lippis Consulting and touted by Cisco. The GPON Truths document exposes and corrects the wide range of misinformation in the Lippis paper. Customers today have decisions to make regarding the current and future costs of network and related services. GPON is proven to reduce costs by 60% to 80% while providing enhanced services, improving security, and increasing jobs.
Find more at: http://www.slideshare.net/iputilinet 

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