Spring Is In the Air, And So Are Fungal Spores!


For Immidiate Release

Spring is in the air! Birds are singing, fish are jumping, flowers are blooming, and fungal spores are multiplying quicker than the spring time bunnies can. Along with the first signs of spring and warmer weather also come the bacteria and fungi linked to infections such as Athlete’s Foot. This highly contagious and quick spreading infection can really put a damper on spring time fun-activities, but how does one avoid it?

Although no one expects you to carry around a bottle of disinfectant with you everywhere you go, there are reasonable preventative measures that can be taken to avoid Athlete’s Foot and other closely related fungal infections such as Ringworm and Jock Itch. Using a disinfectant regularly in your shoes can make a world of difference. Your feet, toes, and even toe nails will be thankful for surviving through the summer Athlete’s Foot-free. Some may even say you have “Happy Feet.

”Medical experts at Q-Based Healthcare labs completed a series of tests last summer during peak season for Athlete’s Foot. The researchers advise the public the best preventative measure is regular disinfecting of one’s shoes as well as regular use of anti-bacterial/ anti-fungal body wash. Secondly, it is crucial to keep one’s shoes and feet dry and aired out as the fungus thrives in warm and moist areas.

However, should Athlete’s Foot begin to wreak havoc on your feet despite your best efforts? It is important to know the infection is not one that will go away without medical attention. Athlete’s Foot is highly contagious, spreading from the feet to other areas of one’s body at a rapid rate and passes from person to person just as easily.

“The nature of the Athlete’s Foot fungus is serious. It spreads quickly and can progress into something quite serious if it doesn’t receive medical attention immediately,” stated Q-Based Healthcare researcher Gerald Adams. To learn more about Q-based-Healthcare, please visit http://www.qbased.com.

Most victims of Athlete’s Foot receive medical attention before symptoms get too severe. The unlucky ones who do not receive any kind of treatment can experience anything from severe irritation to cracking skin and even bleeding. Q-Based researchers have seen and successfully treated cases of Athlete’s Foot or tinea pedis in all stages.

“Athlete’s Foot will usually begin as a mild irritation and can eventually become quite uncomfortable and painful in many cases. We have dealt with cases with only the mildest of itching and irritation to cases where the skin between the toes and under the feet were dried out and cracked they were to the point of bleeding. It can become almost crippling for these patients,” continued Adams. “By any means, it’s definitely not something to be taken lightly.”
To learn more about Athlete’s Foot, Jock Itch, Ringworm or other points of interest in this article visit http://allstop.com/ .

This article was written by Ashley Broussard, a free-lance journalist currently working in the medical industry.

Contact :
Q-Based Healthcare Inc.
Street: 110 east edward st.
City: Erath
State: La
Zip Code: 70533
Country: US

Web Site: http://www.allstop.com/athletes-foot/athletes-foot-fungus-treatment/index.html
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 337-937-8800


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