Staining Grout Orlando


Clean Image of Orlando is a dynamic leader in the cleaning and maintenance of fine hard surfaces operating in the greater Orlando, FL region. They offer a complete line of cleaning, sealing, grout staining, grout color sealing, re-grouting, re-caulking and restoration services for tile and grout. Clean Image of Orlando is one of the primary sources realtors, builders and other professionals consult with in performing the tile grout stain for their clients. The solution used by the company is an environmentally friendly tile and grout cleaning solution that is absolutely powerful, allergen free and contain no caustic materials that could be harmful to small children and pets.

Grout is a porous substance that will continue to absorb dirt and contaminants throughout its life. Porous grout can be impossible to clean and maintain. Every time you spill something on your floor or even mop your floor dirt and grime gets into the pores of your grout making them look more dirty, discolored and unsightly looking. Over time dirt, excess cleaning products and stains can make your grout discolored and impossible to clean to its original state. Also porous grout can be a perfect place for mold and mildew to grow. And if your grout has not been properly cleaned, sanitized and sealed, the harmful bacteria and even toxic mold can grow in your grout lines causing health issues for your family and pets.

Have you experienced dirty and dingy looking grout in your home? If so, you’ll appreciate the superior process Clean Image of Orlando has in treating these problems. Grout staining is the answer you have been waiting for to transform your floor and home so you can have that “Aha Moment” all of your own! A clear penetrating sealer will help protect the grout from dirt and stains but it does not seal the pores like a grout staining application does. The Grout stain is a penetrating sealer that goes deep into the grout. It provides a glare free, uniform color that is highly resistant to contaminants, water, wear, sunlight and extreme temperatures. Grout staining permanently seals the pores of your grout, repels the dirt and stains making cleaning much easier. It can restore your grout back to its original color or one of many colors that may fit your particular taste while protecting it from everyday wear and tear as well as it offers a long term protection which facilitates a future cleaning and maintenance. The best time to seal your grout is when it is still new and never had a chance to get dirty.

Clean Image of Orlando states the best advantages of grout staining: Having a wide range of color to match your existing grout or to change as desired, it is odor free, offers a certain amount of uniformity as grout discoloring certainly isn’t uniform explaining tone and color variations affecting the aspect of your tiles, provides waterproof and durable protection ensuring a hygienic environment, and greatly helps in reducing the ongoing maintenance therefore allowing the use of neutral cleaners instead.

About the Clean Image of Orlando:
The company has grown through research and development into high quality professional grout and tile cleaning, sealing, grout staining and restoration experts and now Clean Image of Orlando is at the top of the cleaning industry in Orlando due in part because they cater to their clients needs. “When we complete a job, the tile not only reflects on your image; it reflects our standards and work ethic” —Clean Image of Orlando

Clean Image of Orlando, Inc.
Longwood, Florida 32779
[email protected]

About the author

By jennica.lewis