Straight Razor Shaving – Ways to Sharpen and Shave Using a Straight Edge Blade


Straight Razor Shaving – How to Sharpen and Shave Using an Open Razor

Shaving with a straight razor isn’t very difficult. You can not jerk the blade across the face, needless to say. It’s actually a thing which calls for patience. They are cut throat razors in the end.

Quite possibly the most essential thing of all is that the razor blade is razor-sharp from the tip to the toe. The sharper it happens to be, the better quality the shave is going to be. The worst the shaves are going to be when it is really dull. If that’s the case, you must use two degrees of whetstone, a 4000 and additionally an 8000 hone(s) including a Norton Waterstone 4000/8000 grit.

You will need to learn how to sharpen the blade to do straight razor shaving. Search online and seek out ‘Sharpen straight razor’.

Ways to Sharpen A Cut Throat Razor

You basically produce little circles on the stone. The blade must be resting flat on the hone, not with the spine lifted up from the hone. This is essential. Most people hold it at too big an angle initially. It has to be as flat as you possibly can get it, compared to the whetstone. You typically add oil on the whetstone first, but a majority of stones use water instead. If you purchase a kit, it has every one of the things you need including instructions.

Next, you work with a strop. A strop is a piece of leather with some loop to fasten it on the other end to something. The angle you hold the strop is really important. The angle you hold the blade compared to the strop is necessary as well as the angle you hold the razor on the strop. Each one of these things is online video clips. Explaining how to do it right is difficult to spell out by way of text. (Maybe you have made an effort to teach someone to tie up their shoe using written guidelines? It does not effectively work).

How You Can Shave With a Straight Edge Razor

Next, you’re ready to shave. You lather up the face by either getting some paste in a jar, by using a soap that’s a hard soap, or by utilizing shaving cream from the can.

The angle you hold the edge, and the technique you hold it, can certainly be observed on Metacafe.

Rinse off the lather, and you are done. Everything is related to the angle you hold the razor.

You might order every one of these things separately, or you can purchase everything in an equipment. After you have everything, and discovered how to touch up the razor, it basically costs you practically nothing for the rest of your life.

Shaving with a straight razor is among life’s little pleasures. Yet, it is not for the inexperienced or the uncommitted. It requires perseverance and practice to learn properly. But when mastered, you can expect to begin to relish shaving rather than fearing it. For additional information on straight razor shaving or if your interested in where to find a straight razor honing services visit

About the author

By brianpartridge2011