Study Confirms Ancient Chinese Remedy Lowers Cholesterol and Blood Glucose Levels


Discovered by accident, a secret recipe unearthed after centuries of burial in a Chinese tomb and brought to America, PHatea® is proving to be beneficial to lowering cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

In China, the health benefits of drinking PHatea are widely known. Chinese research has studied the process and proven the beneficial effects of fermented tea. American studies are only just beginning. The newest American study confirms PHatea regulates blood lipids, lowering cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

In China, there were stories of an ancient tea used to cure the King in Tibet over 500 years ago. People knew the type of leaf, they could approximate the tea, but no one had the recipe that was discovered by accident when a young merchant traveled the Silk Road to Tibet.

Pha, the young merchant, set off from the Hunan Province in China, camels loaded with bricks of tea. It was a time when exploration drew men all across Asia, trading and traveling to see the world. This particular merchant had had some bad luck along the way. But bad luck, for Pha, whose name means fortune, had a way of turning. On his journey Pha ran in to wet, hot weather and his tea was damp. When he reached Tibet and was brought to present a gift to the king, as all travelers would be, he scrambled to find something worthy to present. He handed his best box of tea to the king’s man. When the box was presented, the king assessed the gift. He signaled to open it. Inside the bricks the tea was covered in small yellow flowers looking every bit of an insult to the royalty collected in the great hall.

Fingers gripped sword handles all around him as quick-thinking Pha scrambled to assure the king that this tea contained the magic properties of the golden flower. That if the king would but drink the tea he would find it cured his ills and would be a blessing for his people to consume. The king, skeptical, issued words of warning and dismissed Pha to leave the hall but not to go too far. If the tea didn’t live up to its claim, he would consider the tea an insult.

Diet in Tibet at that time consisted of high fat protein, dairy and few vegetables. Digestion problems and disease were common. The King, himself, suffered. Pha spent a long few days waiting for what would happen to happen.

Pha, true to his name, was indeed fortunate. Because his tea crossed through the desert and the damp, it fermented. When tea is fermented the oxidation process is halted and enzymes that would be breaking down chlorophyll and producing tannins are also halted. Fermenting tea results in changes in polysaccharides and polyphenols which increase their antioxidant properties. Many polyphenols are used today in dietary supplements and anti-aging creams.

When the king drank Pha’s tea, his stomach was no longer upset. It began to change the flora in his digestive system, it naturally suppressed his appetite and gave him more energy. It was a magic tea and Pha was a hero.  From there, PHatea® was born.

The story and PHatea disappeared when the recipe for the 32-step fermentation process was buried in a tomb in China. Discovered again and once more a part of everyday Chinese life, PHatea is known for its medicinal property. Chinese research has identified the magic of the golden flower and proven the health benefits of drinking PHatea.

Now available here US, American studies are confirming the health benefits of drinking PHatea. A controlled group of volunteers with high cholesterol and not on medication drank PHatea for 120 days. At the end of the study there was a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol levels and HbA1c levels, showing the positive effect PHatea has on high cholesterol and Type 2 Diabetes. Test subjects reported no adverse effects and a marked decrease in appetite. PHatea is available in pressed coins to be used in a percolator or coffee press. It is also available in capsules.

See abstract at: See full study at:

This study was supported by the project from Hunan Provincial Department of Education, China (10A048). Key Project of Hunan Provincial Department of Science & Technology, China (08FJ1005) and Fund of China National Tea Industry Technology Innovation System.

Source: Fu, D., et al., Fermented Camellia Sinensis, Fu Zhuan Tea, regulates hyperlipidemia and transcription factors involved in lipid catabolism, Food Research International (2011), doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2011.07.008

Visit or contact PHatea at 888-490-3638.


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By gshak