Subliminal Messaging Software Proven to Improve Lives


London, United Kingdom, 01/07/2010 – Since the concept of subliminal messaging first came about in the 1950’s there has been a fear that it could be used to control people, but little research had been done. But now strong research in both the United Kingdom has shown that subliminal messaging works, and can help improve people’s lives.

The University College London (UC) had a research project headed by Professor Nilli Laive, into whether messages received subconsciously left an imprint on the brain. For such a message to have an effect it would have to have effected the brain in some manner, and Professor Laive has shown that it does.

By flashing images and messages on a screen showing something else from time to time, for a period of just milliseconds (too slow for the conscious mind to register) she then tested peoples reactions to the stimuli mentioned in the message. It was discovered that by far the majority (over two thirds) of those tested reacted in such a manner as to prove the presence of knowledge about what was subliminally sent.

What was especially interesting was that negative words and messages had a 16% more recall rate than positive and ambivalent messages. This discovery is what really can benefit peoples lives, and something that subliminal software is ideally placed to help with.

Professor Lavie said: “We have shown that people can perceive the emotional value of subliminal messages and have demonstrated conclusively that people are much more attuned to negative words (…) Negative words may have more of a rapid impact – “Kill Your Speed” should work better than “Slow Down””.

Her example is a powerful one that shows how the subliminal messages can help benefit lives, but subliminal software is actually more versatile than that, using this knowledge that subliminal messaging works, and how best to boost it’s power, it is now possible to devise subliminal messages to improve people’s lives.

Such messages can be used to help people lose weight, to help them get over addictions, fears and even phobia’s, and to a lesser extent give proper positive reinforcement to decisions that they are worried about.

Which is why has been launched. This new to the market subliminal messaging software is designed specifically to tap into this powerful technique and use it to help people to improve their lives, to make the differences they want with the least amount of problems possible. Subliminal messaging may have a bad reputation in the advertising world but subliminal software when used by people in their own homes, on their own PC’s, can really help improve their lives.

While subliminal messaging is banned in advertising, research is showing that subliminal messages can be used by choice to help alter negative behaviours. is launching easy to use subliminal software for home use.

Subliminal messages can help benefit lives, used to help people lose weight, to help them get over addictions, fears and even phobia’s, and to a lesser extent give proper positive reinforcement to decisions that they are worried about.

    About the author

    By bor61shof