Sydney Dunk Tanks Introduces American Carnival Fun To New South Wales


Sydney Dunk Tanks is introducing traditional fun and excitement, Yankee style, to parties, carnivals, picnics, corporate events and fund raising efforts across Sydney by renting out dunk tanks imported directly from the United States. A dunk tank is an attraction that consists of a large tank of water, over which a seat is situated. An individual is placed on the seat, and participants attempt to “dunk” the individual by striking a target which when hit will release the seat and drop the individual into the tank of water. Typically, the participant must hit a distant target by employing a projectile, such as a ball.

Dunk tanks are often rented for events where participants are charged for the chance to dunk a volunteer. These events are typically fund-raising in nature, and the money raised by the dunk attraction would be donated to a worthwhile cause. Dunk tanks are not relegated to fund raising events; in fact, many employ dunk tanks to provide entertainment, and participants are not charged a fee for taking turns in attempting to dunk the volunteer. Youthful exuberance, particularly at college parties, often means that dunk tanks are featured prominently, and participants, typically men, would pay for a chance to dunk an attractive lady into the icy waters below.

Sydney Dunk Tanks realizes that kids can partake in dunk tank fun as well. In lieu of a pool party, parents can organize a party around a dunk tank, and kids are sure to have a memorable afternoon in their attempts to dunk volunteers into the water. Kids can try to dunk other kids, or better yet, they can attempt to dunk their parents. Now that would be an event that is sure to fuel the kids’ conversations for days on end. For those parents looking to organize an unforgettable party, Sydney Dunk Tanks has the right equipment for the occasion.

Despite its roots as an American carnival obsession, the dunk tank truly has universal appeal. With summer approaching the southern hemisphere, event planners in Sydney seeking to organize a fun-filled active party can look to Sydney Dunk Tanks for the proper equipment to rent that will enable them to feature a dunk tank attraction. Sydney Dunk Tanks has all the latest safety upgrades to go along with new, improved features and is the same brand that was featured on the ever popular Disney Games.

“I’m getting phone calls around the clock from people throughout New South Wales who are looking for something different. Kids in particular are looking for birthday parties with a difference, especially as they get older. The dunk tank concept is spreading far and wide by word of mouth, which translates into greater interest for rentals. Our clients tell us that the dunk tank turns regular events into extraordinary affairs, and that, we think is the best compliment we can receive,” notes Ian Manning of Sydney Dunk Tanks.

Sydney Dunk Tanks hires out dunk tanks to liven up any event such as parties, carnivals, picnics, corporate events and fund raising efforts. Sydney Dunk are direct from the US and sport safety upgrades and the latest features to ensure a dunk tank attraction that participants will never forget. They are available every day of the year for your enjoyment.

Ian Manning
(email) [email protected]
(voice) 0401594069

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By gabizw1010