The Coaches Marketing Group and the Coaches Registry join hands to help promote coaches


Los Angeles, California, 28 September, 2007 – The Coaches Marketing Group and the Coaches Registry announced their joint venture to provide coaches a mode to portray their qualifications to institutions and key hiring executives. The service will not only be restricted to positions in the United States but also it will encompass positions in International Institutions.

There are many competent athletes, ex-athletes and coaches who remain underemployed or even unemployed due to hiring professionals being ignorant of them. There are many people aspiring to become coaches, but are not aware how to become known to athletic directors and hiring professionals. Most of the coaches are hired due to their experiences or special characteristics. The Coaches Marketing Group helps the coaches to correspond to thousands of employers across the United States and also to maximize the opportunity of having the qualifications reviewed by Athletic Directors by providing the skills in a superior, easy to read format.

The Coaches Marketing Group places the qualifications of their member coaches before Athletic Directors, Head Coaches and Other Key Hiring Executives. The marketing will not only be done to colleges and schools but also to various professional teams, amateur organizations and armed force organizations. All the member coaches will be eligible for inclusion as the featured candidate of the week. Even major corporations will provide sponsorships to assist aspiring coaches.

The services offered by the Coaches Registry and The Coaches Marketing Group provide much needed hiring solutions to colleges, high schools, professional teams, amateur organizations, and private training facilities. Coaches having membership will also be considered for jobs which are not posted elsewhere. “Your Success is Our Goal” is the mantra of the Coaches Marketing Group, a company that tirelessly works to help aspiring athletic professionals find jobs and keep them.

About The Coaches Registry

The Coaches Registry and its affiliates, The Coaches Marketing Group and The Coaches Benefit Association, are a group of companies administered by senior business professionals who are committed to provide hiring solutions to athletic directors and personnel managers of sports organizations.

The Coaches Marketing Group solicits the qualifications of athletic professionals for inclusion in a patented, sortable database. The Coaches Registry markets the database to institutions seeking to hire coaches or other athletic professionals. The Coaches Benefit Association receives tax-deductible donations primarily from individuals seeking to provide assistance to persons seeking positions in the sports industry.

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About the author

By pr.ebrandz