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Swedish horror hits USA spring 2008

The book The dead will inherit the earth… picked up by lulu.

Thom Olausson from Sweden writes horror. He has been published before and even translated to Greek and is excited about having his own book published in USA. He started working on the project after receiving numerous requests from readers. Some of the stories were originally published on his own site,, and are the ones that were deemed a little too extreme for readers in USA by many magazines. Mr. Olausson decided to start working on the project and release a print-on-demand version of the book. It sold over expectations and lulu picked up the distribution of the book. Mr. Olausson and lulu are living proof that a rejected story isn’t always bad, sometimes it is great writing but a little too extreme.

Yours truly has read the book and is awed. Yes, some of the stories are extreme but it is nice to read something fresh on the market. I believe that the book will be a success given time and patience. It is hard for a writer from Sweden to get noticed in USA. Names like King, Barker, Koontz and Gaiman can scare many writers away. This is not the case with Mr. Thom Olausson. He feels confident that readers in USA will at least try him out. According to him it is all it takes to get hooked.

I asked him about the poetry in the book? The stories are pure horror while the poetry reveals a dark mind. He says that they are more experimental and might not write more poetry, it is all down to how the readers react to it. After having read the book I can say this much: it is more dark and sinister than anything I have ever read when it comes to poetry!

I highly recommend The dead will inherit the earth… it is a great piece of horror!

Mr. Olausson also has projects lined up for the future. He is currently translating one of his books to English, work name: Executioner’s Ground. A sinister tale of the bog people and the last executioner in Sweden!

Also, he is compiling an anthology with authors from Denmark and Sweden and plan to release the book during late 2008. He says that he is here to stay so you better get used to seeing his name.

Finally, if you like horror and want to read something fresh then don’t miss this book! It is a great collection of horror stories from Sweden. It has a little of everything for everyone. Get to meet the evil circus manager of Circus Dehat, or the great gods of Valhalla as they battle for the world, or witness the execution of a murderer, enter the mind of a child molester as death comes for him, meet the old married couple that truly hates each other, enjoy the sinister Christmas tale with a vampire in the midst, listen to the Lord High Executioner’s prayer and much, much more! You will NOT be disappointed!

By Crantos/ Laholm SWEDEN

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