The Ins and Outs of Backtesting at High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010


Dr. Andrew Kumiega, Keynote Speaker for High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010, May 27th at Flatotel Hotel, in New York City, to Present The Ins and Outs of Effective Backtesting and Controlling High-Speed Trading Algorithms.

New York, NY, May 17, 2010 — Dr. Andrew Kumiega, Director of Quality, Infinium Capital Management, a proprietary capital management firm with offices in Chicago and New York, and co-author of “Quality Money Management: Process Engineering and Best Practices for Systematic Trading and Investment”, Academic Press, 2008, will discuss ” The Ins and Outs of Effective Backtesting and Controlling High-Speed Trading Algorithms” at’s High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010, “Innovating and Profiting from High-Frequency Trading in 2010 and Beyond” (, May 27th, 2010, Flatotel Hotel, New York City, as Keynote Speaker.

Dr. Kumiega has applied his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering to research positions in both the manufacturing and the financial industry over the last 20 years. He has held multiple Director level positions in financial trading firms responsible for front office financial engineering. He currently works for proprietary trading firm Infinium Capital Management. Dr Kumiega is an Adjunct Facility member at both at Illinois Institute of Technology and University of Chicago. His industry research interests include: implied volatility models for equity derivatives, pricing models for convertible bonds, multi-factor stock selection models, credit analysis, and project management for finance. Dr. Kumiega is the co-author of “Quality Money Management: Process Engineering and Best Practices for Systematic Trading and Investment” along with multiple journal articles. Dr. Kumiega holds a B.Sc. Engineering Management from the University of Illinois, Chicago, a M.Sc Industrial Engineering from the University of Illinois, Chicago, a Industrial Engineering from the University of Illinois, Chicago and a M.Sc. Finance from Illinois Institute of Technology.

Backtesting is paramount to the successful deployment of even extremely well thought-out high-frequency trading strategies. It is accomplished by building a customized database of historical data and purchasing or building a software tool that allows for proper testing of a given strategy. Required data may either not exist at all or be prohibitively expensive based upon the prospective returns of the trading strategy. Dr. Kumiega will demonstrate the use of important measurements of reliability, including Statistical Process Control theory, inputs to be controlled, outputs to be measured and controlled, and comparisons to classical methods (such as Sharpe ratio), which are fundamental for high-frequency traders to refine their strategies before running live. Finally, Dr. Kumiega will review highly relevant real time monitoring and continuous process improvement techniques for high-frequency trading systems.

High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010 is produced by (, the premier networking community for business executives, entrepreneurs, investors and diplomats, founded by former McKinsey consultant and Columbia Business School MBA Edgar Perez. Upcoming Leaders Forums and Business Networking receptions include:

High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, (, June 8th, New York City
Real Estate Leaders Forum 2010, “Successfully Investing in Distressed Real Estate Assets” (, June 17th, New York City
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Edgar Perez
New York, NY
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By saravanan2