Therapeutic Rehabilitation Programs


Rehabilitation is the process of restoration of lost capabilities or a treatment used to heal a person’s body. It helps individuals with physical, mental, cognitive or sensory disabilities to become self-sufficient and productive. Therapeutic rehabilitation programs are aimed at helping people with disabilities respond to social and personal challenges, plan careers and engage in meaningful employment.

Therapeutic rehabilitation programs are highly individualized treatments consisting of therapeutic exercises, manual therapeutic techniques and guidelines for progressive return to their prior level of activity. Patient education and home exercise instruction are used to promote long term results. These rehabilitation programs are not the same for every patient. They change according to the patient’s physical and mental conditions, age of the patient, level of disability and more.

To increase independence and expedite recovery, usually individual therapeutic programs based on occupational therapy, physical therapy, pain management, podiatry, dietetics, consultative medical service, neurology, chiropractic care and speech and language pathology are used. Acupuncture, orthotics and massage can also be used as therapies for rehabilitation programs. These programs are also supplemented with group sessions, home programs and community reintegration activities. Exercises such as stretching, strengthening and cardiovascular exercises also constitute an important part of therapeutic rehabilitation programs.

Therapeutic rehabilitation programs are helpful to persons suffering from acute or chronic pain, brain injury, musculoskeletal and balance disorders, brain tumor, spinal cord injury, botox, orthopedic and athletic injuries, arthritis, work injuries, vertigo and for those who are victims of automobile accidents. Treatment of mental shocks and psychological disorders are equally important, and therapeutic rehabilitation programs concentrate on this aspect also. Through intensive and comprehensive treatment plans, therapeutic rehabilitation programs can help patients recover even from attitudinal disabilities.

Detailed diagnosis is necessary before starting rehabilitation. The equipments used in various therapeutic rehabilitation programs include paraffin wax, shoulder wheel, theratubing, rocker and wobble boards, physioballs, therabands, walker bars, treadmill, stair stepper, cycles for lower and upper body parts, and resistive weight machines. However, experienced personnel with licensed rehabilitation assistants are necessary for giving patients full support physically and mentally until they become capable of handling their day to day activities independently.

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By igorstiler