Make Training Sessions Fun For Your Dog And You


Positive reinforcement should include more than just dog treats. Dogs love treats, and easily learn new tricks when this is their motivation. Having said that, carrying treats on you 24/7 is not very likely. Another method of positive reinforcement is giving praise and attention through patting and hugging, and can replace the use of a treat.

Know when you might need professional help. If training is not going well, you may need a pro. The trainer should be able to show you what’s going wrong, so that you can fix your methods and resume proper training.

A new dog requires teaching proper obedience training right from the beginning. it is more difficult for your dog has to unlearn bad habits than it is to teach him good habits. If you don’t want your dog to be constantly begging for food when you are at the table, don’t feed it food scraps in the first place.

Be conscious of your dog’s needs, and allow them to act like a dog. There should always be good outlets available for your dog to exercise and keep busy, and do not forget the right diet to provide this energy.

Your dog should enjoy his training and look forward to it. Try not to make training sessions any longer than 15 minutes. That will keep his attention. Rewards should be plentiful and varied. Praise your dog often when he does well and show a lot of love. When training is fun, he will pay attention and listen to what you say.

Bond with your puppy by making sure he learns his name before anything else. Use his name on a regular basis, and teach him that the appropriate response to hearing is name is to come over to you. Your dog should learn these items before any others as they’re the most important. Make sure to spend time with your dog in order for him to learn and trust you. When he trusts you, he ends up being more responsive to all sorts of training.

You do not want to use wee-wee pads when potty training your dog. The wee-wee pads leak, and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. They also will think that things that look like the pads are okay to go to the bathroom on. It is always better to take your dog outdoors to use the bathroom.

During your training program, keep your dog interested by using many different types of treats. These treats need to not be similar to daily treats, since you need to express a specialness that will encourage your canine to follow your commands to receive these special treats.

To ensure you succeed in training your dog, you should make sure they are active in life. Dogs, like people, shouldn’t be sedentary. Just like you, they need to work and run around to be happy and healthy. Some examples of ways to get your dog more active would be to put it in a fitness class, take it running, or teach it how to play Frisbee. Do not allow your dog to become bored and keep it entertained by keeping it active.

Many dog owners are quite surprised at how quickly they can achieve good results with even a basic dog training routine. So if the relationship with your dog is not as good as it should be, try a few of these suggestions.

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About the author

By MeredithQuintero