Travel Salvage Set to Redeem Travel Cancellations While Delivering Holiday Bargains – Free Sellers’ Deal


The Travel Salvage site will bring together travel cancellations and travel bargain seekers online, so that both buyer and seller get the best possible deal.

Ayrshire, UK, February 10, 2009 — Ayrshire travel specialist, Sabrina Chisholm, has set up to give a better deal to people who have to cancel their travel plans. The website is set up to promote transferring flights and package holidays at a discount as an alternative to losing more money on a cancellation.

A beta version of is now up and running, offering a unique online solution to off-setting the bulk of holiday and flight cancellation costs. The site aims to reduce individuals’ flight and cancellation costs by matching them with online buyers who pick up the transferred flights or holidays at a discount. The site can only help recoup unwanted holiday and flights costs before the trips are cancelled because it aims to find people to take on the existing booking.

As the site is new and in beta, the service is currently free to sellers as Travel Salvage is keen to build up a stock of holidays or flights that would normally be cancelled to offer online. Only where a transfer is successful would a nominal commission be charged. The site covers travel originating from the UK and includes both domestic and foreign trips.

Travel Salvage MD, Sabrina Chisholm says, “As far as I know this is the first time that anyone has opened up a secondary online market for unwanted holidays and travel arrangements.”

“Many of us have to cancel travel arrangements for reasons that won’t satisfy the travel insurers, or the travel isn’t insured at all. For most people, travel cancellations mean being severely out of pocket. I had just dealt with one distraught customer too many so I decided to do something about it.”

“Transferring your booking to someone else is often much cheaper than cancelling, but most people can’t find someone to take up the booking, often at short notice. Using the unique power of the Internet, Travel aims to change all that”

The Travel Salvage site will bring together travel cancellations and travel bargain seekers online, so that both buyer and seller get the best possible deal. The site shows sellers how to find each tour operator and airlines’ booking conditions, and how to check the transfer fees for changing the names on a travel or holiday booking. They also recommend that buyers run the usual checks to see whether the flights on offer are ATOL protected or the holidays are ABTA bonded.

Sabrina Chisholm says, “In my experience, most cancellations are not due to the dire situations covered by the insurers: just mundane changes of plan caused by shifting workloads and other people’s whims. Maybe a business colleague cancels a meeting, or a boy/girlfriend changes her mind.”

“It’s bad enough being mucked about by others, without having to pay through the nose for it!”

ENDS (contact info & background information follows)

Contact details for Sabrina Chisholm, founder, Travel Salvage: (24/7) tel: 0777 182 7151 or email [email protected].

Travel Salvage at a Glance
Travel Salvage founded in 2008 by Sabrina Chisholm, MD

Chisholm has 7 years in travel industry with major travel companies.

Based in Ayrshire, the site covers all holiday bookings, and flights purchased in the UK where the outward journey originates from the UK. The site also covers journeys within the UK.

The site aims to become ‘the’ place to find flights and package holidays at prices lower than those offered direct by airlines and tour operators. encourages travellers to help each other when their travel
arrangements cannot go as planned. reduces costs presently incurred by uninsured individuals who are unable to travel. promotes purchase of transferable flights and holidays, which would otherwise be cancelled. (These are of equal quality to those offered direct by suppliers but will be sold with further discounts.) promotes raising awareness of the importance of flexible terms and conditions as a more significant buying factor when purchasing travel.

Individuals who can no longer use their flight are making the flight available to new passengers. It is recommended that buyers check the travel supplier’s website to see whether they are transferring into a flight arrangement that is ATOL protected. Or a holiday that is ABTA bonded.

Sabrina Chisholm
Travel Salvage
Ayrshire, UK
0777 182 7151
[email protected]

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By arun