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Which of These Treatment Options for Candidiasis is Your Best Choice?

The treatment of a Candida albicans yeast infection involves many elements that may, and often will, impact the situation in a particular way. Your doctor may know of a much better treatment that you’re not familiar with that might be more suitable due to one of the variable factors present. It only makes sense that your doctor is the one who is up-to-date on medical issues and is capable of making the best decision as to your treatment. Still and all, if you go searching at the pharmacy for an OTC medication for Candidiasis, you won’t be disappointed. There are many to choose from. A recent study of women who self-diagnosed their supposed yeast infection found that only 33% were correct. It’s astonishing that so many women were wrong with their diagnosis.

If you are pregnant, and develop a yeast infection, you must seek the expert advice of your health care provider or gynecologist for treatment. Never, ever use OTC yeast infection treatments if you are pregnant. See your OB/GYN or doctor and get a concise evaluation and treatment plan. As a general rule, you most likely won’t be prescribed any type of oral compound during your pregnancy.

Antifungal products, such as the many creams and suppositories that are available, are the normal treatment methods for a vaginal yeast infection. The normal course of treatment during pregnancy is seven days. But the bottom line is to absolutely see your doctor if you are pregnant and suspect yeast infection symptoms.

There is a group of antifungals called polyene antibiotics that help kill the fungal cells. Nystatin and Amphotericin B both are common medications that fall into this class. It’s true, Amphotericin B can be used to treat Oral Thrush, but it is also very effective when used intravenously to treat serious, life-threatening systemic fungal infections. These types of infections pose a serious threat to life and are obviously a grave condition. Esophageal, vaginal, and mucosal Candidiasis can be treated effectively with Nystatin. Polyene anti-micotics react similar to the azoles in that they bind to the ergosterol in the fungal cells.

The percentage of American women who have repeating yeast infections is an overwhelming 33%. The average number of yeast infections in women who get repeats is approximately four each year. Any person, and especially women, who experiences multiple yeast infections should see their doctor for evaluation.

If you are one of those people who have repeated yeast infections, even those you have successfully eliminated, you need to have your doctor evaluate the reason. Other medical issues could be behind the repeated yeast infections and you need to find out if this is the case with your infections.

As a rule, even if someone resists getting professional treatment for a yeast infection, it can still be treated with success even if the symptoms have gotten worse. The symptoms of a Candida yeast infection all depend on the site of infection and other factors. Due to the fact that the symptoms of a yeast infection only get worse if not treated, many of those who discover they have a yeast infection don’t wait long to start their treatment. If you develop an internal yeast infection as a result of a yeast overgrowth, that is a different matter altogether. They develop rapidly and must be treated immediately or they can become very serious. For the most part, a Candida albicans yeast infection will respond quickly and successfully to treatment, but there are many more elements to a yeast infection than just vaginitis, so any indication of Candidiasis must be taken seriously.

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