The Truth About Cigarettes


In accordance with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 443,000 people in the United States pass away yearly from diseases connected with smoking. How sorrowful it won’t seem, still this is reality. There are many strong grounds not to smoke, one of which will help you to keep your health.

Have you ever thought of what a simple cigarette encloses in itself, besides nicotine and tar? Probably, you haven’t. The majority of smokers do not draw attention even to this data. What can be said about other harmful substances that are presented in this small smoking object? People possibly suspect that there are other agents, but they are not informed of them. The tobacco manufacturers keep on the quite genuine cigarette contents.

However, there is few tobacco companies who post on their website the general ingredients to which they resort while tobacco manufacturing. One of such volunteers, who drew the veil of its secrecy, is Altria Group Inc., based in Richmond and the parent company of the nation’s largest tobacco producer, Philip Morris USA.
Basing on the fact that not all the tobacco organizations set forth the additives that they supplement to their smoking products, the FDA decided to carry out a test on tobacco ingredients revelation, in other words, it required tobacco companies to release their tobacco making formulas. The FDA was granted new powers in regulating tobacco by a law passed last June, and this requirement is the first step.

Cigarette makers say their smoking items contain tobacco, water, sugar and flavorings, along with chemicals like diammonium phosphate, a chemical used to better burn rate and flavor, and ammonium hydroxide, which is applied to refine the taste. Cigarettes and their smoke include more than 4,000 chemicals; among them are more than 60 known carcinogens, after the American Cancer Society.

Still many scholars declare that they are unable yet to reveal the information that they discovered as it is not enough to announce how the chemicals affect people. Scientific studies only suppose those chemicals could make the body more easily absorb nicotine, the active and addictive component of tobacco.

Matt Meyers, president of Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, who seriously treats the situation, developed about tobacco, asserted to MSNBC that tobacco companies are free to handle their smoking product thereby scaling up sales, without regard to the impact on the number of people who died or became addicted to this smoking epidemic. The head of CFTFK also added that regardless the fact that Canadian authorities accumulate information as well, they haven’t taken much action referring this issue, which is critical.

Looking the truth in the eyes, in case the FDA, on the basis of collected data, will decide quitting the sales of flavored cigarettes and stop the manipulation of cigarette ingredients, it won’t be the reason for chain smokers to drop their harmful habit, but it will possibly detain potential ones.


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About the author

By Dorthey