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Types and Symptoms of Tuberculosis

Usually, people do not notice tuberculosis symptoms until the pulmonary or extrapulmonary condition has developed in its advanced stage. For that reason, regular and frequent visit to your doctor is suggested to appropriately monitor your health conditions.

What are Tuberculosis Symptoms?
Pulmonary tuberculosis or TB is a contagious bacterial infection that should be diagnosed while in its early stages to avoid the spread to other bodily organs and further advancement to a critical stage. Just like other infections, this infection to the lung can go without any recognizable manifestations. Most people tend to overcome pulmonary tuberculosis, while other may develop tuberculosis symptoms including fever, dry cough, cold sweats and irregularities that can only be found with a chest X-ray.

As the TB infection progresses, the following tuberculosis symptoms may be encountered:

. Feeling unwell and extremely tired
. Loss of appetite that leading to excessive weight loss
. Shortness of breath, which is moderate in the beginning that gradually gets worse
. Productive cough for an extended time and hemoptysis (trace of blood in phlegm)
. Fever which range from 38?C (100.4 ?F) and above

What are Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Symptoms and Types

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis develops when the condition worsens to more advanced stages and the infection actually begins to affect other body parts. It commonly affects individuals with weak immune systems -the body’s defense system towards illnesses and infections.

The areas of the body that tuberculosis symptoms have affected are as follows:
. lymph nodes near the lungs,
. joints and bones,
. the digestive system,
. the reproductive system along with the bladder, and
. the nervous system.

The types of extrapulmonary tuberculosis are discussed below as well as the related extrapulmonary tuberculosis symptoms:

A. Lymph Node Tuberculosis
The immune system consists of small, oval glands called lymph nodes. They help get rid of harmful microorganisms, and other foreign intruder in the body. Signs of lymph node tuberculosis are swelling of lymph nodes under the chin as well as other nodes throughout the body which can be persistent but painless. This can lead to a release of fluid from the epidermis.

B. Skeletal Tuberculosis
Skeletal tuberculosis symptoms include loss of feeling or movement of affected bones and joints, bone pain, or weakening of bones that result in curving and fracture of affected bones.

C. Gastrointestinal Tuberculosis
The symptoms of gastrointestinal tuberculosis include diarrhea, traces of blood from the anus and abdominal pain.

D. Genitourinary Tuberculosis
A constant urge to urinate at night, painful urination, hematuria (traces of blood in urine) and groin pain are a few of the usual symptoms of tuberculosis affecting the reproductive system and bladder.

E. Central Nervous System Tuberculosis

With the spinal cord and brain affected by this kind of tuberculosis infection, its symptoms consist of headaches, stiff neck, blurred vision, inconsistent mental states or fits, and being sickly.
A cough that lasts for 3 weeks or more, presence of blood or any of the symptoms of tuberculosis mentioned previously, should be immediately referred to your general physician to establish your overall condition.

If you have further concerns related to tuberculosis, make sure to click this link to find out more about tuberculosis symptoms.

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