Recent UK Study Reveals Bad News From The Romance Front


As if meeting and asking a prospective partner out on a date isn’t fraught with enough potential pitfalls. Now a recent report out of Britain reveals that fully one third of all dates that culminate from a first meeting end regretfully. However; on a more positive note, much was learned in that same study regarding the errors that most commonly contributed to dating disasters.

The numbers are staggering. In fact statistics gathered in a recent survey when extrapolated out, point to as many as nine million singles in the UK alone actively looking for love. At a determined average of two dates per person per year, that totals up to 18,000,000 dates! With one third of them ending badly, thats 6,000,000 that ended up being a complete waste of time and money.

An incredible amount of misdirected human and financial recourses in these recessionary times! Fortunately for these less than lucky love birds, the romance killers that led to Cupids arrow missing its mark are surprisingly common. Furthermore, virtually all of these common mistakes are entirely avoidable, with the most common first date blunder (42%) being arriving late!

Further down on the dating “don’t do” list, fully 29% of the survey respondents admitted to discussing their ex husband or boyfriend and or past sexual encounters. Down a little further than that, 16% admitted that they had gotten drunk on a first date and 8% admitted to bringing a friend or relative along on a first date.

The survey was conducted by for marketing research purposes and it is hoped that from what was gathered more people can learn from others mistakes. For instance, at only two dates per year, it can be safely assumed that many of these common dating “faux pas” can be chalked up to lack of experience and simple lack of information regarding basic dating do’s and don’ts.

For those interested in upping their romance odds new online dating advice venues now offer free tips for the inexperienced dater. Even simple blunders, such as talking on ones cell phone during a date can be easily avoided by simply turning the phone off! Also virtually all of these new online information sources offer helpful tips on meeting new prospective dating partners.

On a further related note: Recent studies have determined unequivocally that married people do live longer lives and suffer from fewer chronic health problems. Hence; dating is good for you!

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By jamesbellas