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Former Manchester City Lord Mayor Has Hope and Quality of Life Restored at New Beike Stem Cell Facility

QINGDAO, China, Feb. 24 — Shenzhen Beike Biotechnology Co., Ltd. ( ), the world leader in the use of umbilical cord stem cells to successfully treat a variety of illnesses, announced that Audrey Jones, the former Lord Mayor of Manchester, has returned today to the United Kingdom (UK) with significant improvement in her debilitating and life-threatening condition known as cerebellar atrophy. As the latest of the over 2500 patients Beike has treated to date, the former Lord Mayor’s improvements in China have made her a strong advocate for stem cell applications and the treatments that Beike Biotech provides. Before becoming the first patient in Beike’s brand new stem cell treatment facility in the eastern China seaport of Qingdao, Lord Mayor Jones’ neurosurgeon specialist in the UK told her there was no treatment for her condition, no cure, and that she would increasingly lose control of her body movements and functions until she was dead within a few years. After an intensive five week combination stem cell and therapy treatment program at Beike, Audrey Jones left China with much greater strength, improved balance, and more endurance, allowing her to walk normally without a wheelchair for the first time in years. Upon arrival in the UK today, she walked off the plane under her own power into the arms of her waiting family. More details on former Lord Mayor of Manchester Audrey Jones and her significant improvements can be found on China’s leading stem cell news website, China Stem Cell News ( ).

“In England, I was looking into a bleak future. I had lost all hope and was deeply depressed. When I heard about Beike and the ability to receive stem cells right away, I began to hope again, which means everything,” said Audrey Jones. “After going through the full program, seeing my own improvement, and walking again, my hope has been restored. Now my whole life is ahead of me,” she stated.

Audrey Jones was Manchester’s first Liberal Democrat Lord Mayor from May 2003 to June 2004, and is now a Councillor in the Town Hall of Manchester city, where she was born, educated, and has lived all her life. Before her position as Lord Mayor, Audrey Jones was part owner and Director of the South Manchester Reporter newspaper, also authoring a book on the City’s children during World War II entitled, “Farewell Manchester.” Before coming to China, she had been using an electric wheelchair to get around Town Hall, needed to be carried up and down stairs by others, and had suffered from daily bouts of debilitating fatigue.

“I can’t wait to just walk right in the door of Town Hall and prove to others that there really is hope out there,” said Audrey Jones. “Some people think that China couldn’t possibly be a leader in advanced medical treatments like stem cells, but it is. My specialist and others who don’t understand how advanced China has become told me that it must be a scam, and to be careful because China is a backward country. After coming here, I realize that to think of China as backward betrays an incredible ignorance,” said former Lord Mayor Jones.

Audrey Jones was treated at Beike Biotech’s stem cell treatment center in Qingdao, the newest of four world-class Beike hospital facilities located in major cities across China. Qingdao is world famous as the home of Tsing-Tao beer and is the city where the 2008 Olympic Sailing Competition is to be held later this year. The new Qingdao facility can accommodate up to 30 patients with their families and boasts state-of-the-art therapy equipment with a highly trained nursing staff as well as a groundbreaking global medical team. It provides quality stem cells to patients through intravenous (IV) drip, direct injection into the spinal canal via lumbar puncture, as well as surgery whereby stem cells are directly applied to injured sections of the spinal cord.

“With such growing demand and rapid increase in patients coming to China for Beike stem cells, our newest facility in Qingdao comes just in time to help those that do not want to wait,” said Dr. Sean Hu, Chairman of Beike Biotechnology Co., Ltd. “I am elated to have former Lord Mayor of Manchester as our first patient in Qingdao, and even more pleased to see her excellent improvement from our holistic treatment. Beike patients represent people of the highest integrity from all over the world and I am glad to see all of them receiving benefit from our stem cell treatments,” he said.

About Beike Biotechnology Company Limited

Beike is a biotechnology company that was founded in July 2005 with capital from Beijing University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Shenzhen City Hall when it commercialized stem cell technology that had been in research since 1999. As a private high-tech enterprise, it is dedicated to the clinical application of stem cell research. It is also supported with funds from the China State National Fund. The research and clinical work is a collaboration of Beijing University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, No. 3 Army Medical University, Zhongshan Medical University, Guiyang Medical College and Zhengzhou University.

For more information, please contact:

Kirshner Ross-Vaden, VP — Foreign Patient Relations

Beike Biotechnology Company, Ltd.

Tel: 877-278-3623

Email: or


SOURCE Shenzhen Beike Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

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