Unlimited Disk Space and Bandwidth Now Available from iClick Web Hosting


September 18th – Hamilton, Ontario – iClick Web Hosting, a web hosting company from Hamilton Ontario with servers located in both the US and UK, announces a major shift in its web hosting offering.

Effective today, all web hosting packages offered by iClick Web Hosting will include unlimited disk space, bandwidth and MySQL database storage. Each hosting package will also give website owners the opportunity to add an unlimited number of subdomains and FTP accounts.

In addition to these great new features, iClick Web Hosting is also introducing a new “Starter Package” for website owners that are on a lower budget. This new web hosting package will be offered for only C$4.95/month, which includes a free domain name on account activation and many other great features.

Finally, the higher-end iClick Web Hosting “Enterprise Package” will now be offered for C$14.95/month, down $2 from the previous offer.

Dedicated to the online success of its customers, iClick Web Hosting offers an unmatched 24/7 customer support known for its 1-hour ticket response and 30 day money back guarantee.

For additional information, visit the iClick Web Hosting website at www.iclickwebhosting.com or write to:

iClick Web Hosting
527 Upper Wentworth, Main Floor
Hamilton, Ontario
L9A 4T8

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By levertmarketing