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Vaccines: All Things Considered Conference to be held by GTCbio on November 9-10, 2009 in Washington, DC

GTCbio is proud to present its 7th Annual Vaccines: “All Things Considered” conference to be held this year in Washington, D.C. on Nov 9-10, 2009. This conference promises to be the one-stop destination to gain updates and exposure on all aspects of vaccine research, development, regulations, and policy.

The research and discovery of vaccines to fight globally prevalent diseases has been a major focus of the pharmaceutical industry’s biggest players for decades. The pharmaceutical world has been rocked recently by the pending expiration of patents on several major block-buster drugs. How does this affect funding for vaccine research and development? What will be the path forward? How will the generic drug industry affect the vaccines market? These are just a few of the questions the Vaccines conference will address and answer.

Recent advancements in the discovery of novel vaccines that target not only traditional infectious diseases (such as Malaria, Influenza, AIDS, Meningitis, etc), but non-infectious diseases such as cancer, allergies, and even smoking, prove to be both innovative and promising for the industry. The Vaccines conference is the perfect forum to network with colleagues and gain valuable information on these exciting next generation vaccines.

In the spirit of truly considering all things, GTCbio’s Vaccines conference will also bring together leading government officials, with representatives from the DHHS and the FDA, to provide a first-hand perspective into current US vaccines policy and regulation. Updates on the pandemic and bio-defense policy as well as the National Vaccine Plan will be addressed and discussed.

Gaining a proficient understanding of and accounting for the aforementioned factors in vital before moving forward with Vaccine discovery and development. Don’t miss an opportunity to take all things into consideration and register for GTCbio’s 7th Annual Vaccines: “All Things Considered” conference.

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