Presents FREE eSeminar: Fix Your Follow-Up Failure


On Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. EST, Clate Mask, CEO and cofounder of Infusionsoft will introduce a system to Fix Your Follow-Up Failure
Topic Description
Infusionsoft is the perfect marketing solution for small business owners looking to maximize their time and money. Business owners are in charge of so many dimensions of their business, that it becomes difficult to follow-up with every customer and potential lead that comes along. Usually, they get stuck in a cycle of converting hot leads but losing track of warm ones.

Various studies have concluded that, on average, it takes eight touches to close a sale. After you get initial interest from a customer or client, you’ve got to follow-up eight more times before you convert that lead into a sale.

Infusionsoft helps owners give attention to warm leads by automating the marketing and lead follow-up aspects of their business. Once these systems are on auto-pilot, it gives owners more time to focus on growing their business rather than unproductively managing leads manually.

About Clate
An entrepreneur since childhood, Clate Mask loves the process of turning small businesses into big businesses. From the paper route to the boardroom, his decades of experience growing businesses have led him to lead a successful tech start-up that focuses on just that.

As CEO of Infusionsoft, Clate is solely devoted to the idea that smart and relevant CRM strategy, combined with the right automation solution can dramatically increase the sales of any entrepreneurial small business. Clate started at Infusionsoft in 2001 when it was a small and bootstrapped company, and in the last two years has helped the business raise two rounds of venture funding totaling $17 million, grow to more than 130 employees and triple its customer base.

Before joining Infusionsoft, Clate was at North Sky, where he wrote the business plan and helped build and sell the company to for $42 million. After the acquisition, he took control of several Internet properties, converted those properties from ‘free’ to ‘fee,’ created additional revenue streams and guided the company through acquisition. Clate holds an MBA and JD from Brigham Young University.
Please join us at on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. EST, Clate Mask, CEO and cofounder of Infusionsoft will introduce a system to Fix Your Follow-Up Failure
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Tawnya Sutherland, founder of VAnetworking ( and author of the Virtual Business Startup System (VBSS), is a Certified Internet Marketing Specialist sharing her expertise to help aspiring and successful VAs turn website clicks into cash for them.

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By vanetworking