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VAnetworking Presents Seminar on Stepping Into Your Greatness

Tawnya Sutherland
(866) 943-6665

VAnetworking Presents Seminar on Stepping Into Your Greatness: Getting to the Heart of Who You Are!

On Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. EST, Pam Thomas will present ideas on getting to the heart of who you are while stepping into your greatness.

Pam Thomas is an International Coach Federation certified Life and Corporate Coach, author of the e-workbook series Will the Real YOU Please Step Forward, and speaker whose passion is to help people find the assets and capabilities both within and around themselves to move forward, accomplish goals, overcome obstacles, defeat fears, and create opportunities.

Pam holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Creative Writing, a Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and coach training graduation certificate from Coach U. She is also a faculty member of, and a licensed corporate Coaching Clinic Facilitator. For more information please visit:

In this seminar, you will learn that finding out what makes you tick (who you truly are) is the foundation to creating the personal and professional life you desire.

During this presentation you will gain insights into stopping the “square peg in round hole” syndrome and getting to the heart of your authentic self so you can have and do more of the things you really want. No more settling; the time to step into your greatness is NOW!

Please join us at on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. (EST) so that you can learn all you need to be a successful copywriter.

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Tawnya Sutherland, founder of VAnetworking ( and author of the Virtual Business Startup System (VBSS), is a Certified Internet Marketing Specialist sharing her expertise to help aspiring and successful VAs turn website clicks into cash for them.

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