Vapor King Electronic Cigarettes Known For Maximum Vapor Production


The Vapor King electronic cigarette by Electronic Cigarettes Inc. is a device that resembles an actual cigarette, and through the use of micro-technology, turns nicotine infused liquid into a thick, odorless vapor identical to smoke. And since this battery powered unit relies solely on an atomizer to do the vaporizing, no lighters, matches or any means of flame are ever necessary when using the Vapor King. To further liken the experience to that of smoking a real cigarette, the creators even went so far as to build a bright LED light into the tip of the e cigarette that lights up every time you take a puff. And its simple use of disposable nicotine cartridges also makes it easy to tailor your experience to fit your needs because each inexpensive cartridge’s nicotine content and flavor is entirely adjustable.

The vapor produced by the Vapor King e cigarette is entirely odorless and leaves no residual scent on anything, including you and your surroundings. And because it is just vapor, anti-smoking laws and restrictions do not apply to the e cigarette. But perhaps what is the most significant aspect of the e cigarette is the fact that it’s e-liquid and vapor contain no harmful tar, chemicals or carcinogens. Ash, ashtrays, cigarette butts, cigarette burns in furniture, second hand smoke, yellow teeth, and bad breath are all things you can enjoy forgetting.

If there’s anything a user of an electronic cigarette will tell you regarding an e-cigarette, it’s that vapor production is key. If an e-cigarette does not produce enough vapor or only gives you thin wisps of what could be considered vapor, then you are not going to be satisfied. Most users of the Vapor King e-cigarette claim the experience is almost identical to the act of smoking an actual cigarette, to the point where they can’t tell the difference; this can be directly attributed to the high vapor production it provides. The vapor is so thick, white and consistent that it is truly what makes the difference from other e cigarettes that just don’t perform up to the high standards of quality vapor production that the Vapor King holds.

“…one of the most frequent compliments we receive is how effective our vapor is at mimicking actual smoke and how seamless it is to transition from tobacco cigarettes to our electronic counterpart. We just want people to know there are choices out there other than tobacco, and being drastically less expensive and an all-around smarter alternative to traditional cigarettes, our Vapor King e-cigarette is the perfect choice.” – A representative with Electronic Cigarettes Inc.

When looking for an electronic cigarette it’s important to find one that lives up to its name and The Vapor King Electronic Cigarette certainly does just that.

If you are interested in experiencing the Vapor King electronic cigarette or watching a video about the product, you can visit the Vapor King website at or call them at 1-877-324-4462

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By contussupport