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New Video Series Fast Tracks Internet Business Owners to Brand Their Videos Using Adobe Premier Elements 3.0 announced the complete launch of a new video marketing website that helps product owners increase their market reach”.

Dublin, Ireland (April 15, 2010) “ announced the complete launch of a new video marketing website that helps product owners increase their market reach by showing them how to brand AVI, MOV or other video files using Adobe Premier Elements 3.0”.

“We created this video marketing website so that internet product owners can focus their time and money on reaching their customers, while creating effective videos”, said Paixao Carrasco.

Many internet product owners are unable to produce videos that really presell their product, thus they lose out on potential sales. In addition to this, many internet marketers do not know how to brand videos using Adobe Premier Elements 3.0 which is a simple tool to use.

Paixao Carrasco said that with his new video marketing website, internet product owners can cut the learning curve on producing videos that increase their sales conversion rates and will acquire all the knowledge required to brand their own videos using this very simple program, which costs less than $100. is unique because it provides tutorials on producing professional videos quickly and easily, outlining all the tools that you will need and Paixao Carrasco guides you through the whole process step-by-step, so that even the newest of internet marketers can follow easily.

Paixao Carrasco has four years in commercial video production and three years in video marketing. He has helped many companies increase their sales conversion rates that presell.

With the increase of online videos, Paixao Carrasco realised that many product owners were not branding unique videos that were different from everyone else and were therefore not able to presell their videos. After seeing this, Paixao Carrasco decided that he wanted to help thousands of internet product owners. provides an online video product and provides video production and support. It also provides a wealth of information for branding and promoting videos that pull like crazy.

For more free details on how to increase your sales by producing videos that presell, visit:

Ruben Paixao Carrasco
+353 87 287 6770

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