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Vote No to Orlando Attorney David H. Simmons Running for Florida Senate District 22! In fact, Boycott his Campaign!

David H. Simmons is a republican running for Florida Senate in District 22 in Florida. David H. Simmons is an alleged corrupt Florida Attorney who allegedly reps pedophiles and could have his own political agenda for running.

Orlando, FL, May 23, 2010 — In a nut shell David H. Simmons is one of those scumbag lawyer who has put his ex-wife through six years of litigation before having her sign a non-disparaging settlement agreement. Don’t believe me? Visit this link:

If that doesn’t give you the impression David H. Simmons is a scumbag, and has his own political agenda for running for Senate! Then listen to this, David H. Simmons is a lawyer of 30 years, and represented alleged pedophile and convicted felon Lou Pearlman. You know the once colorful Orlando business owner and founder of backstreet boys and nysnc. Now Mr. Pearlman, Simmons former client is living out the rest of his days behind bars. However, Simmons a free man is an attorney running for Florida Senate! What is wrong with this picture? David H. Simmons puts his daughters on facebook page at:

Also, on his website at I guess to perhaps get your sympathy vote. As if he is a family man, but you will not see his former wife in any of those pictures. Why? His ex-wife Alycia Simmons is disgusted by David H. Simmons, and David H. Simmons put his wife through six years of litigation in divorce court. David H. Simmons, forced his former wife into an iron clad non-disparaging agreement, which I am sure she signed under duress. Probably to cover up all the secrets of corruption he told her over the years. How he was probably involved with Lou Pearlman’s fraud and helped cover it up or maybe saved his behind. Look at the YouTube video if you think we are making this up! David H. Simmons probably made threats to his ex-wife’s lawyer, and that is why she can’t even get a fair lawyer to represent her and probably gave up after six years and signed the iron clad non-disparaging settlement agreement with him. David H. Simmons states on his website he is for “economic development that produces jobs, and for causes that keep our families safe and secure.” Give me a break! David H. Simmons does not care about jobs he only cares about helping grow his law firm of de beaubien, knight, Simmons, mantzaris, Neal, llp – that is his partner in the law firm Thomas F. Neal harassing David Simmons’s wife in court while David silently looks on. David Simmons represented Lou Pearlman and also represents alleged pedophile and fellow defendant in a Federal lawsuit James L. “Jack” Hutchings. Simmons is being sued in Federal court right now for corruption, but yet he still running for Florida Senate. In his federal lawsuit where Simmons, Hutchings, and his law firm are all defendants in a CIVIL RICO suit filed by James Adamczyk, it alleges that Simmons helps cover up his client Jack Hutchings who is an alleged pedophile in Costa Rica. Hutchings allegedly fondles little girls as young as 13. Now, that is not half as bad as fondling little boys like Lou Pearlman allegedly has done, but still Simmons represents them both. His one daughter Krysia Simmons does not look very happy in recent pictures with Daddy Simmons, and we can’t blame her. She is probably getting old enough to know that her dad is a lawyer, and helps cover up the most disgusting people in America all for money. Nice clothes and fancy cars for his daughters of course, but coming home and wondering why daddy put mommy through six years of litigation no money can cover up. In the federal lawsuit filed against David H. Simmons, much like how he did his wife, he worked with Jack Hutchings, and Morgan Stanley to liquidate all of Hutchings former and partner of 20 years belongings, until he of course signed another iron clad settlement agreement to not talk about Hutchings fetish for young girls… Allegedly. Hutchings son Ron Hutchings has already testified in court that Hutchings has spent almost a million dollars enforcing the settlement agreement he made Adamczyk sign. All that million going to David H. Simmons law firm all to keep the mouth shut of a twenty year employee and partner of Jack Hutchings who witnessed him transport minors from Columbia to his mansion in Costa Rica. Don’t believe it? Check the Federal Lawsuit filed in Orlando case number 6:10-CV-349-ORL-28-GJK. The exhibits do not lie! It looks like Simmons rapes people morally and then makes them sign non-disparaging settlement agreements so they can’t talk about it publicly. All the while he goes in front of people and asks as if this is the American way and dream. Perhaps that is what he will do in Florida Senate rape Floridians out of everything so his law firm can represent the biggest clients of Florida. David H. Simmons has an agenda for running for Florida Senate District 22, and it’s not for education – for God Sake his kids are in private school! His only agenda is to push corruption in Tallahassee or get more Government contracts for his law firm to represent. One thing is for sure VOTE NO for David H. Simmons for Florida Senate District 22!

Press Contact:
Robert Knowles
Orlando, FL

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