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Walk in shower and Electric shower are the best ones for Modern Bathrooms

Durham, December 2008 – “Walk in showers have been popular for quite a while in certain commercial applications, such as at gyms. A walk in shower allows individuals to quickly duck into the shower after working out, and rinse the sweat and dirt off”, says Mr. James Chapman of Bella

Speaking about the advantages of walk in showers , Mr. James Chapman said, “Walk in showers have recently become popular in home bathroom designs as well. They offer a unique brand of convenience, flexibility, and style. Walk in showers are convenient as they allow you to quickly and easily duck in the shower for a quick shower, without having to mess with a stuck shower curtain, etc. They are what you might call a minimal, integrated design. As far as flexibility is concerned, walk in showers are about as flexible as showers can get. You can create a walk in shower anywhere in your bathroom you can get the correct plumbing to. You can put it in a corner, or even in the middle of the room if wanted.”

“The electric shower , perhaps once looked upon as more functional than stylish is now competing with many other household items as the must have product for the house. Electric showers have evolved from the simple on-off unit of 10-15 years ago into high-tech designer toys for the upwardly mobile. Shower cubicles with build in steam and sauna settings are readily available on the market, these usually come complete with a built in radio to keep you entertained whilst you steam away. Who wants to stand up in a steam room or sauna whilst listening to the radio? Why not sit down?” where the words of Mr. James Chapman about electric showers .

“These electric showers also come with a little seat to keep you comfortable as you relax, and as if that wasn’t enough you can even get an electric shower with a water massage facility. If you can’t be bothered to wait for your shower to heat up why not get a remote controlled version that at the press of a button allows you to chose a pre-set temperature for your shower, turns the shower on, and even tells you when it-s up to temperature. Now that’s evolution” concluded Mr. James Chapman

About bella bathrooms is the best place to look for all kinds of showers like electric showers and walk in showers. They also provide assistance in choosing the best bathroom accessory.

For more information, visit

Bella Bathrooms
Unit M10 – M14 Yarm Road
Morton Park
County Durham
Fax: 08452240078

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