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Wayne Rooney’s Hair Transplant – Was it the right thing to do?

As we are all aware Wayne Rooney has recently undergone the increasingly popular FUE Hair Restoration procedure in a London Harley Street Clinic. The procedure was over 8 hour period at a cost of nearly £12000.

Warren, Director Landmark Hair Clinic, a Leading total Hair loss specialists in London’s Harley Street ( hopes that Wayne Rooney has been advised of the genetic effect of DHT which affects around 60% of men before the age of 40, and that he will more than likely need to undergo at least an additional one or possibly two more procedures within the next 10 years to maintain hair density.

If a hair transplant procedure is undergone at too early stage in your life, hair loss will still continue around the new transplanted hair. This is why it has been more popular for men to undergo procedures when their hair loss stabilises which can be around 35 – 40 years of age. Once hair loss stabilises, a hair restoration procedure is then advisable

If hair loss is treated in the early stages, using reputable DHT blocker such as Propecia and Regaine and regular sessions on the hair laser lamp, the results can be phenomenal. So Warren strongly advises Wayne to use hair improvement and prevention products on a daily basis for the next 10 years at least.

As a completely non evasive method of hair replacement Landmark Lifestyle can offer clients an affordable alternative to receding / thinning hair with a completely non-surgical, drug free, natural looking hair system as well. Landmark boasts its service prominent hair loss preventions, improvement, transplants and hair systems out of the world’s most famous 100 Harley Street.

Landmark Hair Replacement of London
100 Harley St

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