New Website Reveals the Truth about Skin Lightening


Chicago, IL ( pressabout ) November 16, 2010 – Dark, uneven skin is a problem that millions of people have to deal with. Of course, there are several different skin lightening treatments out there designed to brighten and lighten skin complexion, but not all of them work. That’s why was created.

This new website contains in-depth analysis of all the different skin lightening treatments that are out there. From reviews of skin lightening creams, to information on skin whitening, to analysis of skin bleaching products, this website has it all.

“We started because discolored, uneven skin is a problem that affects a lot of people,” said Henry Manson, Content Coordinator of the website. “There really wasn’t any good resource for this condition, so we decided to make one ourselves.”

The main feature of is the Product Reviews section. This is where the panel behind the website analyzes the different skin lightening treatments available to consumers today. This includes pills, creams, and other treatments that are supposed to help improve skin complexion.

Products are reviewed and rated based on a number of factors, including the treatment’s ingredients, effectiveness, safety, and cost.

“Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for consumers to find the best products for skin lightening,” explained Manson. “The truth is there are a lot of these treatments out there, but most of them don’t work. And some are even dangerous. We believe our reviews are informative and unbiased, and we try to call it like we see it. The goal is to help people get the best available treatment”

The team at has reviewed a range of these products, but only 3 earned really high marks. The “Editor’s Choice” was awarded to Revitol, a skin lightening cream that’s supposed to create balanced skin while reducing the appearance of scars, liver spots, freckles, and more. This product earned a perfect 10 rating from the panel.

Other skin lightening creams that scored well were Dermology (9.5 rating) and Meladerm (9.0 rating).

“Based on everything we saw, Revitol is the top skin lightening cream on the market today,” declared Manson. “And with the free trial the company is offering, now is a good time for people to give it a try.”

In addition to product reviews, has a collection of helpful articles about various treatments and general skin conditions.

The website is always being updated with new content, so make sure to check back at often.

Henry Manson,
Content Coordinator
Chicago, IL 60606


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By skinligh