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WINKS London changing the massage landscape

London, England – WINKS London, the creator and leading provider of outcall/visiting executive massages in the Central London area, are changing the way massage is viewed worldwide with their regal, sensual and intimate Massages.

Clients have travelled from all corners of the globe to sample the exotic Massages on offer by WINKS beautiful and talented Masseuses. Such Massages that clients have travelled all the way to London to experience include The DOUBLE Classic, which is an incredible form of sensual creativity featuring two WINKS Masseuses, and The XTREME WINKS, which is a naturist bounty for those seeking sensations which cannot be delivered by any other type of massage.

WINKS have noted a higher stream of clients from across the Channel, to accentuate the rise of their European reputation and standing. To complement this, WINKS have had testimonials from satisfied clients from as far afield as America and Eastern Asia who have used their sophisticated services whilst in the UK capital on business.

“That we have had more international clients contacting us for our services when in London shows just how far WINKS reputation is spreading,” stated WINKS London management. “Our Massages and the reputations they carry speak for themselves, and we our delighted that our unique style of sensuality is getting the planetary praise that it deserves. We are pleased to make our clients’ stay in London as pleasurable as possible.”

For more information about WINKS London, please call 0779 889 0224 (between 13:00 -02:00 UK time only), e-mail: or visit

WINKS London created the concept of designer sensual massages for adults. With a wide selection of fully trained, international masseuses, the company provides an exclusive and high quality outcall/visiting massage service throughout the London area. Please note that WINKS London is not an escort agency nor offer sexual services of any kind.

Tel: 0779 889 0224 (no SMS)

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