WowVPS! Launches 25% Off Sale to Promote Green Web Hosting


HOUSTON, TX. July 16, 2008 – WowVPS! web hosting, providers of virtual private server (VPS) hosting services and a subsidiary of Landis Holdings Inc., today announced a new promotion of 25% off all “Xen” hosting plans starting from only $10.45 per month. Besides reducing ongoing operating costs for companies during tough economic times, shifting usage from dedicated servers to virtual private servers can reduce overall required power consumption.

“Socially responsible web hosting involves making choices that meet a company’s hosting needs while minimizing the impact on the environment,” says Greg Landis, president of WowVPS!. “While the focus has been mainly on new technologies to reduce power consumption, sometimes the simplest answer is selecting the right hosting plan. Our VPS hosting plans offers businesses an attractive option of improved flexibility of dedicated hosting at prices much lower than full dedicated packages.”

WowVPS! utilizes the latest version of VSControl virtualization software from Devpond, another subsidiary of Landis Holdings. VSControl software was developed in-house and eliminates the software cost which often leads to increased VPS hosting prices. WowVPS! offers plans with higher specs than any other VPS provider while maintaining 100% uptime.

WowVPS! starts with the “Xen Awakening” entry level plan, regularly priced at $13.95 per month but on special for only $10.45 per month, and includes:

-12 GB disk space
-200 GB bandwidth
-192 MB or RAM
-Unlimited domains
-Free 3 VPS IP addresses

All WowVPS! “Xen” hosting plans include:

-Full VPS root access
-RAID 10 disk storage
-Guaranteed RAM
-Premium bandwidth
-Multi-core, multi-processor CPUs
-VSControl software
-No oversold resources
-Choice of Linux OS
-No contract obligation; cancel any time
-Online server and service restarts
The new WowVPS! web site includes a community forum, a blog, user-friendly control panel and the NixCore client management software.

To learn more about the 25% off special, visit

About WowVPS!

WowVPS!, based in Houston Texas, provides high-quality Internet hosting solutions to small and medium-sized businesses, government agencies, prominent individuals and non-profit organizations worldwide. WowVPS’s core portfolio comprises information technology and business hosting services, as well as programming services.


Media Contact: [email protected], (949) 500-6422,

About the author

By sanju