How To Write Argumentative Sports Essay?


Persuasive essays are about convincing the reader about a certain view point of the writer, writing a persuasive essay can be a bit demanding because a writer has to attach reasons, arguments and proofs to force a reader to believe on something. Same goes with sports essay, students mostly fails in winning over the reader’s perception about the topic.

Sports essays topics should be selected considering the psyche of the reader, the availability of the pertinent material, resources and the interest of both the writer and reader. If you are facing problems in writing sports essay then you should read on the following guideline.

First step: writing the introduction

It is advisable that you start your essay with a question that is pertinent to the topic of essay sport, answer the question in the next line. Beginning an introduction for persuasive essay with a question always works, not only that it also maintains the interest of the reader till the end. The opening question could be something like this; “Why men plays better sports then women? “ Or “Do you want to know the secret of playing sports?”

Second step: Starting the paragraph

This should begin with a thesis statement that would discuss two opposing viewpoints, that is one on which you agree and on which you disagrees. The thesis statement for sports essay could be something like this:

“Letting boys and girls participate for the same game under same team increases the level of competition among them which they might have no considered before”

Some might agree with the fact while some might say no to it, the only thing you have to do is to convince them about your personal viewpoint about the subject matter whether it is in favor of them or against.

Third step: Writing the body paragraph

There is no hard and fast rule for the number of paragraphs in sports essay but four are usually preferred. Each of the paragraphs should discuss one single idea with supporting topic sentence, arguments and evidences to improve the credibility level. You can also make use of transitional sentence or word to connect all of them with each other; also make sure that you are not incorporating any contradictory statement in the essay which will create a whole new set of confusion for the readers.

Fourth step: writing the concluding paragraph

Wrap up you work in decent manner that will leave a long lasting impression on the minds of the reader. You must also make sure that you have restated the thesis statement along with all the major points you discussed in detail in the body of the sports essay. The ending statement should also be very impressive just like the opening sentence.

Hence, I hope that you have studied and learnt a lot from the above told essay writing guide for sport essays on persuasive style. Just go through it and use it for your advantage, also if you face any problem you must consult your teacher for the further assistance.

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By samcollier76