Zirconia Resident and Former GE blue Collar Worker Self Publishes Two Books of Short Stories


Robert Elias Ballard is a retired General Electric employee and has just self published two new books.

Zirconia, NC, June 09, 2010 — Retired blue collar worker and library volunteer, Robert Elias Ballard who also uses Putz Ballard as a pen name announces the publication of two new titles. Familiar People and Places in Green River Township and Stories to Warm Your Heart and Make You Smile are both books filled with short personal interest stories and tales. Ballard a long time storytelling fan uses his simple style to share the tales and experiences from the area where he grew up in a simple way which his readers will soon find resonate with their own emotions.

Stories to Warm Your Heart and Make You Smile has over 80 stories from Ballard’s life experiences. Robert uses a subtle humor that will make you chuckle while others are nostalgic and sad. Familiar People and Places in Green River Township is also a collection of the stories about the mill village of Tuxedo and surrounding area. Lovingly Ballard share the people who were so much a part of his life.

Ballard’s works may be previewed at Lulu.com, Amazon Books, or may be found in the GOOGLE search engine.

Ballard, 61, lives with his wife, Jane and son Gary in Zirconia, NC.
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Robert Elias Ballard
1772 Green River Rd
Zirconia, NC 28790
[email protected]

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