“Zoiks! Online teams up with The Laugh Button.”

MOLINE, IL – Zoiks! Online, a magazine of humor, entertainment and pop culture, recently teamed up with comedy site The Laugh Button. Published by Jason Tanamor, author of “Hello Lesbian!” and “Anonymous,” Zoiks! Online will conduct both written and audio interviews with today’s top comedians for The Laugh Button (http://thelaughbutton.com). The web address for the magazine is http://www.zoiksonline.com.

The Laugh Button (TLB), a stand-up comedy haven that promotes the best comedy via audio and video clips, reaches more than 1 million visitors a month. “Both Zoiks! Online and The Laugh Button have a passion for stand-up comedy,” Tanamor said. “When we started talking, we realized that there were a lot of synergies between Zoiks! and TLB. It was no brainer to work together.”

Zoiks! Online has conducted interviews with Jim Breuer, Christopher Titus, Aisha Tyler, Frank Caliendo, Dave Coulier and Norm MacDonald. The Laugh Button is currently in its infant stages and has plans to incorporate more features as the site grows. “One of the things we want to do is a series of video interviews with headlining comedians,” Tanamor said. “Zoiks! Online and TLB hope to be a major force online.”

Zoiks! Online originally launched on Sept. 1, 2004, and then later re-launched on October 2008. The site is updated regularly and the web address is http://www.zoiksonline.com. For information on advertising or submitting to Zoiks!, please email jason @ zoiksonline.com.

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By anonymous