American Car Imports in London suggest you Drive The American Dream on LPG.


There are considerable savings to be made as the current price per litre of LPG fuel is around half the cost of a litre of unleaded petrol. So, not only can you consider doubling the range of the vehicle, drive it on a full tank of petrol, and full tanks of gas and you’ll hardly have to fill up.

In this era of “Green” consciousness converting your vehicle to LPG is a sound environmental concept.
– The fuel is Green
– All emissions are lower
– Lower CO
– Lower CO2
– Lower NOX
– Lower HC
The harmful PM10s are almost non-existent and engine life is prolonged due to less Carbon residue in the engine.

The initial outlay for the work is quickly recouped by anyone driving the average UK mileage and then you are soon into “free” motoring.

The equipment used today is designed and made specifically for these vehicles and uses the latest DGI-Digital Gas Injection, SGI-Sequential Gas Injection and LPI-Liquid Propane Injection that uses the latest State of the art programmable systems offering automatic and seamless transition between the use of petrol and the transfer to gas with no loss of engine power at all.

With the UK Government continuing to demonstrate its long term commitment to LPG in the 2008 Budget when the Chancellor announced a continuation of the existing guarantee for low fuel duty for LPG through to 2011.
The excise duty on LPG will rise by no more than 1p per litre per year more than petrol or diesel. The rates announced are:
The fuel duty increases planned for the 1st April will now take place on 1st October 2008. At this time duty on LPG will increase only by .135p per litre more than petrol/diesel.
As previously announced, on 1st April 2009 fuel duty on LPG will rise by .035p per litre more than petrol or diesel
On 1st April 2010 all fuel duty rates will increase by .5p per litre plus inflation. As a result the specific duty rate will not be known until then.
This means that the price of LPG at the pumps should continue at around half the price of petrol and diesel for the foreseeable future.

So, in real terms this means savings on running costs to be in the region of 45%.

For more information contact American Car Imports on +44 (0) 20 8889 4545
Or [email protected] and

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By uscuk