Indianapolis Bariatric Practice Adds Surgical Weight Loss Procedure


INDIANAPOLIS, IN — With national statistics concerning obesity on the steady increase, weight loss surgery is fast becoming a specialty that receives more consideration by Americans fighting moderate to severe obesity. One Indianapolis-based practice has added a new surgical weight loss procedure to expand the range of choices available to patients seeking weight loss surgery.

“The sleeve gastrectomy is a relatively new procedure here—one we’ve added to our existing weight loss surgery options to broaden our spectrum of procedures, and better serve the individual needs and demands of our patients,” said Dr. Christine Gupta, general surgeon and bariatric surgeon at Carmel Surgical Specialists in Indianapolis, Indiana.

A sleeve gastrectomy involves surgical removal of approximately 85% of the stomach—leaving a stomach capacity of 2 to 5 ounces depending on the surgeon. By restricting the amount of food the patient can eat, and removing the portion of the stomach where many of the hormones involved in hunger are produced, a patient can realize significant weight loss without altering the function of the stomach.

Dr. Gupta added, “Even though most of the stomach is removed–reducing capacity of intake—the function of the stomach is left intact. This is different from a gastric bypass procedure which essentially bypasses the stomach and first part of the intestines, sometimes leading to vitamin deficiencies.”

Since there are no anastamoses (resection and reattachment of the upper gastrointestinal tract), the risk with the operation is considerably reduced from that of gastric bypass, though drawbacks to the procedure may include less weight lost over time. Also, the procedure is totally irreversible.

“Patient education is one of the primary keys to the success of all of our weight loss surgical procedures,” added Dr. Gupta emphatically. “Bariatric approaches to the treatment of obesity include dietary counseling, behavior modification, nutritional supplements, exercise, and support groups—in addition to surgical solutions. We offer clinical and surgical expertise and support, but it’s our patients that must bring the commitment to long-term weight loss.”

For more information about weight loss surgery procedures, please visit

Located on the campus of St. Vincent’s hospital in Carmel, Indiana, Carmel Surgical Specialists is lead by a team of specialists in bariatric medicine and general surgical procedures. Ours is a specialty practice that focuses on several areas of surgical expertise that demand a high level of skill with a demonstrated—and verifiable—commitment to success. These distinct disciplines include bariatric surgery (gastric bypass, lap-band and sleeve gastrectomy) and general surgical procedures such as hernia and gallbladder surgery using lapraoscopic (minimally invasive) surgical techniques. Unlike many general surgery practices, we also perform colonoscopies and upper endoscopy.

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By dmdpharm