A Call for Change in America


With the Presidential elections just around the corner, now is the time to focus on the issues that need to be addressed within our own society.

A.J. Wildman, in his Second Coming of Common Sense, urges the American public to challenge the too powerful few who are controlling the entirety of America with their own ideas and decisions. Now is the time, he claims, for the people to regain control to preserve democracy.

Wildman addresses countless issues that require the attention of American citizens including: federal reform programs, American Industry Restructuring (AIR), and other national and local community programs.

We the People must decide our nation’s future: to confront our historic challenges of 2008 and decide whether or not to control our own destiny. He states, like it or not, we will now unavoidably make that Common Decision−either by our deliberate action or our inaction.

The Second Coming of Common Sense is 718 pages and contains Thomas Paine’s classic forty-four (44) page pamphlet, Common Sense, in the Appendix.

Wildman worked thirty-four (34) years in the information technology field, working his way up from computer operator to programmer, project manager and finally to business manager. He became interested in politics two decades ago as he began to think of better ways to address the “War on Drugs.” He ran as an independent candidate in the 2004 Presidential Elections. He is also the author of Common Interest.

Wildman has a public action website called CICRU.org that is being updated to provide the public with free download excerpts from Second Coming of Common Sense. It offers a free download of the 137 page 2003 National Drug Reform (NDR) Proposal.

The Second Coming of Common Sense is available in softcover (ISBN 1-88139-931-1) from Virtualbookworm.com, Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. The book can also be ordered from most bookstores around the Unites States.

About the author


Virtualbookworm.com Publishing, Inc.

By virtualbookworm