
virtualbookworm Publishing, Inc.

A Life of Servitude and Self-Discovery


Jenna Turnipseed writes of a soldier’s road to self-discovery in her new book To Serve My Country. Turnipseed is not only a soldier, but also a soldier’s wife, a mother, and a daughter. Throughout the book she shows readers all the different facets of her life. Turnipseed began writing To Serve My Country prior to being deployed for a mission in Iraq, for which she volunteered. While still in...

Freedom’s Just Another Word: Memoirs of a Trying Time


Dan L. Hays’s Freedom’s Just Another Word is a gripping account of the author’s life as it was spinning out of control and seemingly being pushed askew by some outside force. The memoir is set in Houston, Texas in 1987. Without a dime to his name, out of work and struggling with thoughts of suicide, the author was called back home—his father was dying. Struggling with the pain and hurt...

Calypso of the Appenine Way: Obsessive Love and Enveloping Passion


Obsessive love and the futile pursuit of perfection serve as the backdrop of John Wallen’s complex new novel, Calypso of the Appenine Way. A cynical character, Luke, is consumed with love for a young Italian girl, Eleonora. Their relationship is used to develop conflicting themes, including love versus anti-love, sincerity versus cynicism, reality versus myth, and bravery versus foolhardiness...

The Civil War Comes to Life in “Journey to Honor”


The despair, angst and fear experienced by soldiers in the American Civil War come to life in the new book Journey to Honor by James G. Buck, which follows the 23rd New Jersey Infantry Regiment from disaster to redemption. The story is based on the unpublished diary of Josiah Crispin, a young Quaker who believes he must fight to save the Union. The North needs a victory and the Army needs...

A New Choice: Announcing an Independent Candidate for President


A. J. Wildman is officially announcing his intent to run as an Independent candidate for President in the November National Elections. His objective is to provide the American Voters with a third and viable choice. He wants to offer real leadership in the Democratic Revolution that is now required. In the several YouTube videos (, or search A.J. Wildman), he highlights many of his proposals that...

Three Kisses: When Terrorism Hits Close To Home


What happens when a member of Al Qaeda secretly enters our midst? In Heath Daniels new book, Three Kisses, readers are taken on a wild pursuit of a traitor, across borders and through some of the government’s top secret operations. With the help of the premier medical technology and a Russian doctor, Al Qaeda is able to duplicate a U.S. Army officer, creating a free ticket onto U.S. soil. A...

A Call for Change in America


With the Presidential elections just around the corner, now is the time to focus on the issues that need to be addressed within our own society. A.J. Wildman, in his Second Coming of Common Sense, urges the American public to challenge the too powerful few who are controlling the entirety of America with their own ideas and decisions. Now is the time, he claims, for the people to regain control...

If You Can’t Train Them, Love Them: The Dogs In My Life A Remarkable Journey


In Betty Jo Goddard’s new book If You Can’t Train Them, Love Them: The Dogs In My Life, she tells the story of her adventures with man’s best friend. As a child, her mother was alarmed by the faint sounds of whimpering coming from the snow-swept outdoors. Her mother’s response to these cries began Goddard’s journey with a string of loyal companions The puppy grew up quickly and became...

Take a Trip Back to the Seventies in Now Playing at a Theater Near Me


Today, teenagers cannot imagine life without DVDs, cable, and the Internet. In Tim McGlynn’s new book, Now Playing at a Theater Near Me, readers are taken on a trip back to the seventies when most entertainment was experienced at single screen, drive-in movie theaters. Before information was easily accessible from home, America’s youth learned about culture and growing up at the movies. Now...

New Book Reflects on the Lessons Learned in Life


In “Orchids of Venezuela,” a new book by Karen Sturges-Vera, Tamara wakes to the news that rebel forces are attacking the president of Venezuela and bombing the airport in a second attempt to overthrow the government. To get through the present, she focuses on her past by retracing her childhood and life. She seeks reassurance in her troubled present by revisiting her childhood in...