

Make sure that you trust the site or you will end up in a mystery shopper’s scam


Reports yesterday have identified certain mystery shopper’s scam websites lately. The modus operandi of these websites was to lure in members for a fee. They will promise that there will be a lot of product testing and compensation. At the start, they will give some products. Sooner or later, after getting enough members and their membership fees, they disappear into nowhere. This is not the...

New management appointed at Sinclair mystery shopping


New management has been appointed at the Sinclair mystery shopping business last month. This was the move of the board of directors to change the style and manner in which Sinclair mystery shopping has been managed lately. The board of directors wanted a more aggressive set of managers for the firm. They believe that Sinclair mystery shopping has to adapt to the fast changing business environment...

Recent secret shopper reviews prove to be positive


There have been a lot of doubts with the secret shopping industry lately. Are secret shopper reviews reliable? Who are behind these secret shopper reviews? Are secret shopper reviews merely fabricated by the secret shopper companies? Such an industry is still in its infancy and many people out there still have their doubts about it. Market research firms are still hesitant to acquire the services...

A mystery shopper has made a fortune


Tax officials were surprised to see the name of a mystery shopper on a list of high tax payers. A mystery shopper last year made almost two hundred thousand dollars alone. Tax officials interviewed her and said that she was very dedicated to her job. She was always on the internet everyday and if ever she had to test a lot of products, she would ask the help of her sisters and brothers. The...

TNS mystery shopping makes an aggressive marketing move


One of the mystery shopping firms based in Europe has made an aggressive marketing move recently. The TNS mystery shopping group is planning to expand its customer base to a wider, international audience. Originally based in the United Kingdom, the TNS mystery shopping group has been expanding far and wide in the European market. The vice president for business development has announced recently...

Confero Mystery Shopping launches their new programs


The Confero group has recently launched a new set of programs that will entice new members to take mystery shopping jobs. New members will enjoy more incentives and more attractive programs from now on. As a mystery shopping firm, Confero is looking forward to taking a market leader role in the mystery shopping industry. The Confero group announced that these new set of programs will make the...