

Customize a Set of Eco-Friendly Wood Shutters for Your Home


In addition to being a residence, a home can be a powerful personal expression of its owner. Custom shutters add a charming personal finish to the exterior of a home, and can help you be more energy efficient. One of the leading companies in the business, Estate Millwork uses age-old techniques and modern precision, while keeping an environmentally friendly practice, to craft only the highest...

Give Your Home a New Look with Wooden shutters


Looking for a new household design project for your renovations list, but not sure what to add? Consider the appeal of exterior wooden shutters: an affordable, intelligent addition to any home. Wooden shutters provide visually pleasing benefits, can help you save money on utility costs, and can provide an added sense of privacy for you and your family.

Wood Doors Give a Warm Welcome to Visitors


To instantly improve the curb appeal of your home, consider installing some wood doors. Whether a elegant or rustic in style, wood doors are always a classic choice for your home. Estate Millwork uses the latest design technology to create custom wood doors that fit your space perfectly. A good-fitting door will help insulate your home, lowering your heating and cooling costs.