

Management of Type 2 Diabetes with ACTOS


For those suffering from type 2 diabetes, can manage their insulin levels effectively with Actos. In type 2 diabetes, the body is very much insensitive to insulin. This results in increase in circulating glucose leading to hyperglycemia. Pioglitazone hydrochloride is marketed as Actos and has its main action on decreasing the insulin insensitivity. It improves the glucose management of the body...

Keep High Blood Pressure and Heart Diseases at Bay with Altace


Ramipril is an assertive ACE inhibitor which is sold under the brand name Altace. ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) produces angiotensin II that causes contraction of arteries of the heart and other circulatory arteries there by casing constriction and raising the blood pressure. ACE inhibitors function to reduce the release and production of angiotensin II, and thus works towards keeping the...

PREVACID ensures effective action on Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers


PREVACID has its main action on gastric and duodenal ulcers and its symptoms. Lansoprazole is the pharmacological component of this drug. Lansoprazole belongs to the proton pump inhibitor group that mainly functions to reducing the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Increase in the acidity level in stomach causes peptic and intestinal ulcers, erosive esophagtis (where the lining if the...

NEXIUM – The trusted solution for Esophagitis and GERD 


Nexium is one of the prominent drugs that give a sure and safe relief to heartburn and other symptoms caused due to acidity in the stomach. Many of us have experienced heartburn in our life, right from student life, when sitting up late in the night during exams over cups after cups of coffee or tea is usual. Some of the common irritants that stimulate the production of acid in stomach are...

Crestor- An Effective Treatment for High Cholesterol and Cardio Vascular Diseases


Crestor has been recently acknowledged and approved by the FDA for effectively as one of the best drug for reducing the risk of cardiac infarct (Heart attack), stroke and other cardio vascular diseases. Crestor is rosuvastatin calcium. It is known for its action on LDL cholesterol, lowering its density as well as increasing the good HDL cholesterol. Thus the drug has a significant action in lipid...