

Southern Africa’s Driest Nation Acquires Desalination Plant Using PX Pressure Exchanger® Technology


Energy Recovery, Inc. (ERI®), the global leader of ultra high efficiency energy recovery products and technology for reverse osmosis (RO) desalination announces a new energy recovery contract for the 55,000 m3/day (14.5 Million US Gallons per day) desalination plant located near Swakopmund, Namibia; a country bordering Angola, Botswana, Zambia and South Africa. The new Uramin desalination plant...

ERI Integrates Technology and Business Development


ERI has also enlisted the expertise of current board member and former ERI board chairman C. Pete Darby to oversee the company’s product development and engineering programs. While Dr. Stover has been involved in the commercial development of the PX Pressure Exchanger® (PX®) energy recovery device for the last six years, organizational change expands and formalizes his role as the Company’s...