

The Two Sides of the UK Immigration Debate: To Open or Shut the Door?


Two reports on UK immigration have been released and two contradictory ideas have come to the fore. Are there too many non-European foreigners in the UK or should there be more? According to MigrationwatchUK, a pressure group, Britain’s so called “open door” policy which has allowed in as many 2.3 million people in the past 16 years, reflects how the UK’s immigration...

Australian Government wants more Immigrants


Australia is booming economically. In order to keep up with the demand the government are calling for skills through mass immigration. If recent statistics are anything to go by Australian Immigration policy is heading in the right direction. This week the Australian department of Immigration and Citizenship released the latest Immigration Update showing the number of permanent additions to...

Could the Arts Suffer from Rigid UK Tier Scheme


The United Kingdom pride themselves on being a cultural hub, a place where musicians, dancers, artists and the like often migrate, either for festivals and exhibitions or on a more permanent basis. However the new points based tier system could be a threat to this. Not only will these strict rules prohibit talent from experiencing the opportunities that UK performances offer, but also fans are...

India Calls for Ease to Work Visas


Indian people possess some of the most sought after skills, particularly in technological sectors such as IT. These skills are wanted the world over, but difficulties in cross border movement can hinder international contributions. Each year hundreds of thousand of Indians seek opportunities abroad, many opting for lives in the United States, The United Kingdom and Australia and ultimately these...

New Zealand Immigration Scandal Shows that Following Policy is the Way to Go


Immigration can be daunting and stressful. Finances, occupation and a load of detailed forms and documents are the reason for this. This sometimes makes people seek the easy way out, trying to cut corners, even attempting illegal entrance. “However if you try and trick the system you will be caught out”, so says Liam Clifford of This comes amid the recent scandal...

Criticism over Canadian Immigration Amendments Rife


The C-50 bill proposes significant amendments to the immigration policies currently in place within Canada; however while calls to rethink these amendments as it gets labelled as discriminatory and unfair come in think and fast, the government stand their ground. The Canadian Bar Association, made up of over 30 000 law teachers, lawyers and law students, is leading the cause to put an end to the...

UK Visitors to Benefit from Long Term Premium Visas


People visiting the UK on a regular basis whether as holiday makers, business travellers or to see family could now benefit from new long-term premium visas. These new visas bring with them a wealth of advantages for both the UK and applicants. The new six month length will allow a person multiple visits within the allocated time-span of the visa, hence saving individuals time and expense in...

Australia Responds to Deadline for Rising Visa Backlog


Additional resources are being drafted in to help Australian Immigration Officials clear a backlog of around 457 visa applications. Due to the reported skills shortage currently being experienced in Australia, Officials have been given the deadline of June 30th in order to process the delayed skilled migrant’s visas. The well documented skills shortages are of particularly concern in the...

South African Growth Depends on Skilled Immigrants


The news is filled with stories about South Africans seeking to emigrate, however many migrants choose South Africa as a new home and the government is honing in on this. Since the end of apartheid and the start of the South African democracy, South Africa has grown into a strong contender among developing nations in terms of trade issues, inflation numbers and property rights. “South...

India and U.S Migration Helped by a Strong Economic Relationship


“The U.S. Consulate in Chennai issues more visas for skilled workers than any other U.S. diplomatic post in the world.” David McCormick, the U.S Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs has said that cultural ties between the U.S and India are very strong. He states that at present there are “Nearly three million Americans of Indian descent and 80,000 Indian students in the...